Help for Living with an Unbeliever

Stephanie raised an interesting point in her article about being careful what you share with others. This is especially important in the case of an unbelieving spouse. A lot of damage can be done when the unlebelivign spouse finds out their situation is being talked about and prayed about by others. You may see it I as concern, but it can tend to make them feel they are being judged by you and those others and found wanting. Sop keep confidentiality and don’t divulge too much of your personal situation and relationship with your spouse. On the other hand, you … Continue reading

Don’t Put It Off

Have you ever felt that urge to pray for someone? You don’t know why but you feel prompted to pray. Can I urge you not to ignore it? The Lord God often puts it on a person’s mind to pray for someone without knowing all the details. It is enough that God knows. This week a woman in our church testified how she had felt led to pray for those in our congregation. She didn’t know why but she was obedient. Unbeknown to her there had been a serious accident. A man from our congregation had found his son lying … Continue reading

Getting the Balance Right

One of the biggest problems Christians face is getting the balance right. What do I mean by that? A criticism leveled at Christians from those outside the church is that Christians don’t appear to live what they believe. Their words or professions and actions don’t match up. Of course, there are those who then go to the other extreme. They think that just by living the Christian life, they won’t have to say anything. It will be obvious to friends and neighbors that you live as you do, behave as you do and make the decisions you do because you … Continue reading

Dealing with the Worrier- Part 2

Following on from yesterday, here are more suggestions about dealing with the worrier and tips how you can best help them. If you are a believer, pray for them. You don’t need to know exactly what the worries are to be able to pray for peace and settling. Better still if they are agreeable, is pray with them about their worrying. Again you don’t need to know what the worries are, unless they want to tell you. God knows. That’s all that matters. So encourage them to share if they want to but don’t hassle them if they don’t. Sometimes … Continue reading

What is a Christian?

Recently I heard several people describe themselves as Christian and there appears to be some misunderstanding over what a Christian is. Let’s start firstly with what a Christian is not. A Christian is not someone born into a particular denomination or religion. As someone said once being born in a garage doesn’t make you a car. A Christian is not someone who goes to church, though many Christians do go to church. A Christian is not someone who follows a set of rules or beliefs, though being a Christian will affect your choices. A Christian is not someone baptized or … Continue reading

When Your Church Lets You Down (2)

In our last article on this subject (see link below) we looked at how Susan could not find a nun in her diocese to pray with her for a period of two weeks while another nun went on holidays. Susan was going through a deeply distressing time and she found the comfort of praying with her nun friend very comforting. But it wasn’t so comforting when not a single nun would volunteer to step in for the fortnight and help this distraught woman out. But this sadly is not restricted to the Roman Catholic Church. Lyn had just divorced her … Continue reading

Sharing Your Story

Sometimes we hear of people and they speak of their lives and we can think, ‘Wow! I never had anything like that experience.’ We even find it with some of God’s chosen ones like Paul. Paul related his conversion experience to a crowd in Acts 22. If you know the story of Paul, and what happened on the road to Damascus, you might be thinking that’s fine for him but I never had a dramatic conversion experience at all. What I have to say couldn’t be interesting to anyone. Don’t be too sure. One time a young woman was feeling … Continue reading

Emotional Fitness

I discovered something new and very fulfilling to do while I am walking on my treadmill. I pray. Even if prayer isn’t your thing, you might find meditation or just thinking to be great ways to spend time walking on your treadmill. Here’s why I like to pray while walking on my treadmill. I find that when I am walking my mind is less cluttered. I’m not keeping busy with a million activities. I’m just walking and so that requires my mind to settle somewhere. When I walk and pray, I think of all kinds of situations that are weighing … Continue reading

The Prayer That Never Fails

The prayer is ‘Thy will be done.’ Recently I came across this is a novel by Jan Karon. At the time it made sense and didn’t sound so hard. But then God, as He so often does, made me put it into practice. In our family a situation occurred where this was tested to the limit. I spent a lot of time pleading, cajoling, arguing and trying to convince the Lord to answer my prayer the way I wanted Him to. I found endless reasons why it would be better for everyone the way I suggested. In the end I … Continue reading

Ask and Receive

Some months ago I was asked to give a talk at ladies’ evangelistic event, which is the biggest event our church ladies’ group has each year. After some prayer I agreed, even though I’d rather stand up and sing any day than talk. For a time I had no idea what I was going to talk about so I did what I usually do when I havent got a clue, I asked God for his wisdom of what to do talk about and His words. The thing I love is we have that assurance from God’s word that no matter … Continue reading