Stories Can Help Kids Prepare for Preschool

Will your little one be attending preschool for the very first time? He or she might be feeling a mix of emotions about going to preschool. These emotions can range from excitement about being a “big kid” who goes to school, to fear about what, exactly, he or she will face in the classroom. One way to calm worries and build confidence is with stories. Little kids often view story books as something fun to read (or have read to them). They don’t realize it, but many are using the stories as a means to help them understand the world … Continue reading

Signs Your Preschooler May Be Dyslexic

Can you tell if your preschooler is dyslexic?  Dyslexia is not usually diagnosed at such an early age.  Learning is unique to every child and some may appear slow in some areas but catch up by the next year.  Many children exhibit more than one sign of Dyslexia and turn out to have it.  While for other children it is undeniable.  My 7 year old is dyslexic and while she did show some signs of dyslexia in preschool, she was not officially diagnosed until she was 6 years old.  Even at 6 years old, the reading specialist commented that I … Continue reading