Final Presentation

I just finished a day where I had to give two 20 minute presentations over two topics in one day. This was an interesting project for me because I really like to give personal presentations without notes or specifically written down arguments in order to let those listening influence my presentation held together by the forward progress of selected slides. On a day when one presentation determined my ability to continue as a doctoral student there was no room for error (Don’t worry, I passed). I’ve never so fully planned out and plotted a presentation before. One of the things … Continue reading

Research & Presentation (Part 3)

If you missed parts 1 and 2 you should click here and here to catch up. For those of you who’ve been keeping up lets move forward in our quest of researching and presenting! Last time we equated the notion of telling a story with structure. If you tell a story about the research you’re instantaneously creating something interesting because stories are interesting. We want to know “how things turn out” or “why things turned out the way they did” (especially if we already know the ending… like the film Titanic). The boats gonna sink… people are gonna die, but … Continue reading

Research & Presentation (Part 2)

If you missed Part 1 of Research & Presentation be sure to read that here. At any rate (where was I? Oh yes!) I was talking about note taking and the dual-crucial skills of Structure and Importance. Now, note taking is just one area where these two skills are important. It turns out that they are important for a wide variety of activities (both in school and in the “real world”). One of those areas is for giving a presentation. Today I’ll be talking about prepping for a presentation. You know that whole saying about first impressions? If you’re thinking … Continue reading

Research & Presentation (Part 1)

This is going to sound really boring but today I gave a thirty minute presentation on nineteenth century copyright law. Phew! Okay… before you click on the closest link you can find (in order to get out of here) I want to assure you that I won’t be writing about the nineteenth century or copyright law in this post but I WILL be writing about researching and presenting on what others might perceive as a boring topic. Still reading? Okay. Let’s begin. I’ve got to tell you one of the benefits of being a “theatre person” is that I am … Continue reading

Entertaining: Serving Your Guests

This article isn’t going to be about food, so much as it is about how to serve your offerings to your guests. If you’d like to learn more about recipes, cooking techniques, tools, and particular foods, please check out our great Food Blog. Here, we’re going to address presentation. How food and beverages are presented can make or break your event. Everything should of course be served in an attractive manner, but how do you translate that into action? One of the best ways to do so is to look at the colors and textures of the items you’re serving … Continue reading

Entertaining: Preparing an Attractive Buffet

When most people entertain guests, they want everything to be perfect. While perfection is generally out of reach, you can certainly host lovely, impressive gatherings, which will leave your guests looking forward to your next event. Buffet style meals are simpler and less formal than typical dinner party meals. They allow guests to relax and eat at their own pace, instead of strictly adhering to courses. Serving pieces are only one element. They need to be attractive, and while they don’t have to match precisely, they should coordinate with other pieces and utensils. They should also complement the other treatments. … Continue reading