Spring Cleaning: What To Do After You Purge Your Closets

Currently, it is –5 degrees Fahrenheit in my neck of the woods (-26 degrees with the windchill). Nowhere near spring-like temperatures, but that’s not stopping me from continuing my “spring cleaning” project. Last week, I told you that I was purging my home in an effort to find space for all the goodies we received over the holidays. Today I worked on the front closet and my daughter’s closet. The latter was a lot more challenging than the former. My daughter had a major growth spurt during our recent trip to Hawaii (she went from fitting into 2T’s to now … Continue reading

More Suggestions for Small Spaces

If you have a small apartment or room or live in a dorm room (or perhaps your grown child does), here are some more suggestions and storage ideas that you (or they) can implement to make the most of small spaces. Purge and Purge Some More Obviously, the best advice is to get rid of anything you don’t need rather than finding a way to store things you don’t really use. Remember as well that purging is an ongoing chore. When space is limited, you have to constantly re-evaluate and keep only those things that are functional and necessary or … Continue reading