Finding Silence and Quiet Time

It does not take much—just 10 or 15 minutes of silence or quiet time each day can make a huge difference in the harried life of the average single parent. Of course, I am talking about silence and quiet time we are actually awake, while sleep is great, we need some waking down time to collect our thoughts, pray, meditate, or whatever too. Finding and carving out that valuable time is the problem… The reality of a single parent’s life is that it is fully packed with chores, duties, and tasks. For many of us, from the moment our feet … Continue reading

Why Should I Have My Devotions In the Morning?

In our heads, we all know that having personal time alone with God is vital to our Christian life. However, so often life seems to get in the way. Are you having trouble getting your time alone with God and making it count? Consider these reasons for having your devotions earlier in the day. 1. I know how hard it is to get up in the morning. However, the fact remains that for many people, if they don’t get their devotional time in the morning while the kids are still in bed, they won’t get it at all that day. … Continue reading

Time-Out: What Counts As Quiet Time?

Time-out is one of those disciplinary techniques that never worked for me. In my early days as a mother, I had visions of Tyler going obediently to his room and taking his time-out like a soldier. The reality of the situation is he has never gone to time-out without a struggle. I understand the time-out procedure, in theory, and I believe I have followed the steps correctly but for some reason it never worked for me. Then I read something interesting today. It has always been my understanding that a child’s time starts when they are in the time-out area … Continue reading

How To Quiet Your Little Chatterbox

Ever since I can remember I’ve always wanted one child and I wanted that one child to be a girl. When I turned 36 and the rabbit finally died, I was overjoyed. I had visions of this little mini-me running around all sassy and cute. As with most “advanced maternal age” pregnant women, it was recommended that I take a whole slew of tests, one ofthese tests was a level three ultrasound. Thanks to this high-powered machine, I found out quite early that I was having a boy. A boy! I literally cried when I was told there would be … Continue reading

Make Resting Fun

It is important to get plenty of rest in order to stay healthy and fit. We all know this, but it is much easier to talk about than it is to put into practice. This is especially true when we have a lot going on like now, during the holidays. So, what can we do to make sure we and our family members are getting enough rest? We can try to make it fun. Most kids would and some grown ups would much rather play than rest. However, rest doesn’t always have to mean sleeping more hours or taking a … Continue reading

The Lazy Sunday Afternoon

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon here at the Long household yesterday and my husband and I are enjoyed the peace and quiet. I spent the morning pulling weeds and running several loads of laundry through the cycle. Our daughter spent the night at her grandmother’s and so this afternoon, instead of hearing a child’s voice rising and falling in the cadence of playing with her dolls, her figures, her stuffed animals or stepping over the artwork plastered to the areas of the floor and the pens, pencils, markers and crayons. The Beauty of an Empty Afternoon After the morning … Continue reading