Handling Quirky Toddler Behaviors

One wonderful thing about toddlers is that as they grow, you can begin to see glimpses of their personality emerging. As language develops, toddlers learn to vary their tone of voice and become more expressive in general. Their budding personalities can have you rolling on the floor laughing one moment and completely annoyed the next. Toddlers can sometimes develop behavioral quirks as well, things like nose picking, hair twirling, nail biting, and putting their hands down their pants. Depending upon the behavior and the parent, quirky toddler behaviors can inspire a reaction that ranges from wondering whether and when the … Continue reading

Every Family Has its Quirks

What seems completely “normal” to my little family might seem a little on the weird side to another family (and vice versa). Instead of trying so hard to be like everyone else or the families we see on television or in magazine, we might be better off celebrating our own unique quirks. I believe that just like a workplace or a church or a school environment, each family has its own “culture.” This may shift and change over time, but there might also be some quirks and uniqueness’s that remain. I also think there is a difference between traditions and … Continue reading

What Does He Do That Drives You Crazy?

No one is perfect. We are all humans and each of us has our faults. Through love we look over and accept our mate’s faults and weaknesses. Relationships and marriages go bad when partners cannot get past the annoying and irritating things that their mates do. However, this is not to say that we must stay completely blind to our mate’s downfalls. I feel that it perfectly okay to let your mate get under your skin every now and then. In fact most mates have one particular thing that completely drives the other crazy. By crazy I am not meaning … Continue reading