Getting Ready for a New Pet

Even though the ground is covered with snow, I can’t help but think that warmer weather will be here soon. After all, we are halfway through February, and then March will come in like a lion. By the time that March goes out like a lamb, it will also be time to celebrate Easter. This means that I have approximately a month and a half to prepare myself and my home for the arrival of a new pet. For a few months now, Dylan’s Auntie has been reminding me that Dylan will be getting a very special gift on Easter … Continue reading

Harvey (1950)

Earlier today I confessed my deep and abiding love of bunny rabbits. It’s only natural, then, that I should love this Jimmy Stewart classic. Stewart portrays a gentle-mannered man named Elwood P. Dowd who lives with his sister and his niece. He’s a relatively stable individual in every way but one – he thinks he has an invisible friend. But this would not be an ordinary invisible friend – this would be a pooka, which is, by translation, a mischievous magical creature commonly found in Celtic mythology. This particular pooka is a six-foot tall (oh, pardon. I err.) A six-foot-three-and-a-half-inch … Continue reading

The Easter Bunny: One Giving Rabbit

Who is the Easter Bunny? We know he keeps good company with the likes of Santa Claus, and we know he brings baskets of goodies to kids at Easter. But do we really know why? Or how it was this generous bunny came to be? History: Why a Rabbit Who Lays Eggs? The notion of an Easter bunny predates Christianity. Symbolically, eggs, hares, and rabbits have all represented fertility in a variety of cultures. Somewhere along the way wires got crossed as traditions and beliefs merged and an egg-laying bunny was created. One who bore colored eggs no less. A … Continue reading

Housetraining Your Rabbit

Yes! You can housetrain a bunny. You can teach a rabbit to use a litterbox! Rabbits are actually pretty easy to train. They will pick a few spots as their bunny bathroom and always go there. Our family rabbit (cleverly named Bun-Bun) had a three room “condo” — one enclosed room was the bedroom, the large, open room was the play and food area, and the other enclosed room was the bathroom. He faithfully used the smaller room for his potty and kept the other areas clean. Older rabbits have a better attention span than younger rabbits, so you may … Continue reading