Your Most Critical Relationship

The problem with marriage is that while it is the most critical relationship, the strongest and yet most fragile (because of the devastation it can cause when it ends), it is also the relationship that we tend to give lesser amounts of attention. Part of the joy of marriage is having someone who can love you as you are, to whom you don’t have to prove yourself, to whom you can use as a shelter. To love and be loved has got to be one of the greatest things to aspire to in life. But just think about some of … Continue reading

Take the Positive Marriage Challenge!

Would you like to improve your marriage and get into the habit of nurturing it? It is pretty easy to do. Why not take the following positive marriage challenge? You can do this alone or with your spouse (even better). Nobody is perfect, and although we may understand how to nurture our marriages, that doesn’t mean that we always do it. This challenge will make you more aware of certain positive things that you can do every day. Here we go! 1. Compliment more than you criticize. It is easy sometimes to let a criticism or complaint slip out. Maybe … Continue reading

Snoring and Marriage

While there are plenty of jokes about snoring in marriage, the truth is that snoring can have a negative impact on your marriage. From forcing spouses to sleep apart to serious health concerns of which snoring is a symptom. It is important to get your spouse’s or your snoring under control as soon as possible. The first thing you should so if you or your spouse snores is to see a doctor. While most snoring is harmless, snoring could be a sign of a life threatening condition, such as sleep apnea. It is important to rule our any health concerns, … Continue reading

Don’t Let Chronic Illness Harm Your Marriage

There is a very interesting article in the September issue of More Magazine that talks about how marriages change once chronic illness enters the picture. According to the story, couples who consist of at least one spouse with a chronic illness have a divorce rate of 75%! And other couples who stay together say that they are only still married because of the insurance. This is some pretty scary information. So how can you prevent a chronic illness from taking down your marriage? The couples that do stay together and are happy may have a few secrets up their sleeves. … Continue reading

Top Four Marriage Myths

We absorb a lot of marriage myths in our lives. By the time we are ready to get married, our heads are full of these myths that make it hard to maintain a happy marriage. Here are the top four marriage myths that you should avoid. 1. Marriage is like the media Remember all of those family friendly shows were grew up with on television? What about the movies? The mom is smart and sassy, the dad is clueless but dependent and the kids’ biggest behavioral problem is that they broke a lamp and then confessed out of guilt. If … Continue reading

The Social Benefits of Marriage

Why did you get married? The standard answer might be because you fell in love and wanted to spend the rest of your life with your spouse.And that is a key thought. There are so many social benefits of marriage. Are you taking advantage of them? When you are married, you have a built in companion to do things with. While there is nothing wrong with going to the movies alone, it is nice to be able to enjoy a movie with someone else. Over time, you can find things that you enjoy doing together, of course, but it is … Continue reading

What We Can Learn from Jon & Kate

Forget the other issues of our time. The world is buzzing about the big announcement made last night by Jon and Kate Gosselin, of Jon & Kate Plus Eight. The couple is officially separating from each other and ending their marriage, all of this in front of millions of viewers. But what can we learn about our own marriages from the semi-intimate knowledge of the Gosselin marriage? Communicate I always thought that the interview couch was the most interesting aspect of the show. As each spouse talked about the events of the episode and answered questions, they almost seemed surprised … Continue reading

Don’t Hate the Joneses

Do you know the Joneses, or the Smiths or Insert Family Name here? They are that family or that couple that always seems so perfect. The one where the wife is always tan and polished, the husband is handsome and attentive and the children are always winning all of the awards in school or sports. But beware of the Joneses. They could just ruin your marriage, even if they aren’t aware of it themselves. Sometimes when we look at other couples, a little bit of envy starts to sneak in. We may wonder why it is that they are the … Continue reading

Signs You May Resent Your Spouse

I’ll never forget when it came to the end of a previous long term relationship. I found myself irritated all of the time and sometimes even downright mean. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, I has grown to resent other person and the relationship. In that case, I wasn’t married, but had I been, it would have been very important to recognize the signs early enough to take action. Many times we blow off the little things that are actually big things in disguise. You may resent your spouse.. If you start to dread coming home to your … Continue reading