Is Your Man Really Commitment Phobic? (1)

Men are renowned for being the commitment phobic partner in many relationships. But is this is always the case? Can women also be commitment phobic? Let’s have a look at the case of Melissa and her relationship history with the males in her life. Melissa is a rising star in the business world. With excellent tertiary qualifications and a successful career in public relations, she is also the possessor of quirky good looks which attract more than a reasonable share of the male market. At 38, Melissa has had a series of “relationships” and is currently juggling the favors of … Continue reading

Do You Question Your Mate’s Past?

I can remember one episode of Roseanne when Jackie was trying to decide what to tell her boyfriend about her past sexual history and experiences. Roseanne suggested that she tell him a lower number than really existed. She also stated that men usually raise their number to try to be impressive. I then began thinking about the differences that are placed on males and females when it comes to sexual history. Through all stages of life it seems that it is much more acceptable for males to be taking part in sexual activities than for females. However if I am … Continue reading

Relationship Problems

Relationship problems are the easiest to identify in other couples and sometimes hard to even begin to diagnose in your own relationship. The problem in the identification is linked to the level of involvement. In watching a television show about a couple having issues, the viewer is often given an omniscient view of what’s going on with both parties. They can see what ‘happened’ and what was ‘said’ and even how it was ‘misunderstood’ or ‘misrepresented.’ In essence, they are the watcher and their emotional involvement doesn’t color their perception of events because they have the luxury of being a … Continue reading

When Your Parents Don’t Like Your Partner

Taking your partner to meet your parents for the first time can be a tense event for all parties. Expectations, interests, personalities, histories and how well someone is feeling at that particular moment can all play a part as you bring together the people you love in one place. Your partner’s nervousness is understandably that of someone who wants to be approved of and your parents’ nervousness stems from wanting to like this person you found important enough to bring to see them. But what if the best laid plans of mice and men go awry and while your partner … Continue reading

Dear Heather … My Husband Thinks It’s My Fault

Dear Heather I get so frustrated with my husband sometimes. I’m overweight. I have been since my second child was born. With my son, the weight just fell off, but in the last couple of years I haven’t lost that pregnancy weight with my daughter. I don’t like how I look, honestly, I feel very chunky and ungainly these days. I gained over 50 pounds and I only lost about 10 after our daughter was born and then quickly regained that 10 pounds. A couple of days ago, I was feeling pretty frustrated and my husband said, and I quote, … Continue reading

Can You Have Sex While Pregnant?

This is a very typical question that many mothers to be ask of their obstetricians because pregnancy brings about enough changes in their bodies that they can be concerned that sex could be harmful. It’s important to recognize that if you are restricted from having sex – your OB will be the first person to tell you. In fact, for many mothers in the late term of their pregnancy – sex can actually stimulate labor so if you’re tired of waiting – your OB may recommend an old fashioned method to stimulate the onset of labor. Intimacy is Important Intimacy … Continue reading

Living With and Loving the In-Laws

There are a lot of jokes about in-laws and how awful it is. There are lots of movies and television shows that emphasize the terror that are the in-laws. Monster-in-Law is one film that leaps to mind. Few of these address the positive relationship that can occur between in-laws. Flexible, But Firm Let’s talk a moment about why a negative relationship can occur between in-laws. First and foremost, a new spouse is not ‘stealing’ away an in-law’s child and they should never interfere in the relationship between parent and child. They should think, and think very deeply, how they would … Continue reading