When it’s Just Too Much Trouble

I wrote earlier today about ways that we might be called upon to cope with and respond to special requests in our home businesses and how we can decide whether or not to grant those special requests. As I was writing that article, I realized that there are sometimes when indulging a request, or even finishing a work project, can just be far more trouble than it is worth. Running a business means learning how to decide when something is just too much trouble to work on. Many of us have been taught that struggle and trial are good and … Continue reading

Coping with Unusual Requests

Occasionally, there are going to be those clients, customers, colleagues, or vendors who ask us for something special. They may be asking for special treatment—or it just may be that circumstances have influenced their request. For a small home business, we can either be in a good, flexible position to adjust to unusual requests, or it might ask more of us than we are in a position to give… For many small businesses, how we cope with and handle special requests can be the cornerstone of our reputations. For others of us, it happens so seldom that it might really … Continue reading

When People Ask for Information, Be Sure to Follow Up

One of the areas that many small businesses fall down on is follow-up. When prospects or customers call or e-mail for information, we might get the packet or the info sent out to them, but then we neglect to follow up to see if we can finish or propel the deal. It will likely take some effort on our part to get them from a prospective customer, to an actual, paying customer. It can take some record-keeping and time management to make sure that we don’t lose people in the information-seeking process. Consider setting up a system to deal with … Continue reading