Setting Limits Without Causing Resentment

One of the responsibilities of parenting is setting limits. Unfortunately, setting limits won’t necessarily endear us to our kids. In fact, in most cases it causes a lot of resentment. Dr. Haim Ginott offers parents a way to set limits and lessen the amount of resentment that may follow. If you follow these steps, you should end up with a child who, although unhappy about the limitations you have set, will cooperate. First, recognize the child’s wish and rephrase this wish in simple words. For instance, if you have a “no dating before the age of 16” rule in your … Continue reading

Forgiving Those Who’ve Hurt Us

There are people in this world who cause great emotional destruction to others, and then dance proudly in the ashes. My life has taught me this. Forgiveness can be an arduous personal journey. When we have a child with a disability, people can be terribly insensitive. Sometimes they make ridiculous or cruel comments, either on purpose or just because they are ill-equipped to handle the situation emotionally. Perhaps they’re just uneducated and inexperienced. Sometimes good friends or family members fade into the background, suddenly becoming “too busy” to maintain a meaningful relationship. Perhaps they blame us for our child’s difficult … Continue reading

My Spouse Doesn’t Want a Child

Your spouse doesn’t want to have a child, but you do and while you both feel strongly about your position – neither of you wants to see the other one hurt or burdened by the other’s wants and needs. That being said, it’s important to understand that if you are discussing having a child and you are both not fully committed to having one – then you are making a mistake for both your marriage and your child. Now before someone gets mad at me and says that their spouse didn’t want a child, but it worked out – understand … Continue reading

Anger in the Muslim Marriage

Have you ever found yourself inexplicably angry at your spouse? Just nitpicking, tearing him apart, and looking for something to be mad about? Or, looking back on an argument, do you ever find yourself unable to pinpoint exactly why you were fighting in the first place? I’m sure we’ve all had these days. Why? Well, it could be that you are, in fact, married to the most annoying person on earth. More likely, though, it is the work of Shaitan (Satan). It is Shaitan’s mission to destroy marriages. Any time he can create a rift between husband and wife, he … Continue reading

Still holding onto that grudge?

It’s only human to feel resentful when somebody hurts us, particularly when they hurt us emotionally. Personal attacks bruise our self esteem, shatter our confidence, and cause profound disturbances which may leave deep wounds in our hearts. But holding onto that grudge actually has the potential to do more damage than the original event. Once you begin to resent a person you actually become their slave. You create a living, albeit invisible, link between you and that person that will remain in place as long as you continue to think resentful and bitter thoughts towards them. The interesting thing about … Continue reading