How Should You Reward Your Diet?

Too often we judge a diet’s success only in the pounds we lose. This can be great if we’re in some fast fat burning diet that drops pounds per week, but there is a better way to handle rewarding your diet. When you can reward yourself regularly, you are more likely to stick to your diet. So consider the following reward methods for whatever diet program you are following: Calendar rewards – Every day that you don’t give into temptation and stick to your diet – put a check mark on the calendar. Determine a preset number of checkmarks and … Continue reading

Enduring to the End . . . Just how far away is that?

Many times, as people get on in years, they begin to wonder and worry a little more about that “enduring to the end” thing. Why? Because the body and mind can start to slow down and it’s not as easy to be as active as you’d like. So what all is involved in enduring to the end? Well, breathing is always a good place start. Okay, sorry, my last blog has apparently affected my brain. Who knew it was contagious? Okay, seriously – enduring to the end is not as complicated as one might think. There are different responsibilities for … Continue reading

Rewards for Kids

Some of the best ways to parent is to offer your children a reward system, and one that you can readily stick to. It’s very easy to tell your kids that you’ll buy them a new video game if they get straight A’s, but what happens when they do it, and that video game is really expensive. Regardless if you’re a stay at home parent or not, we all have to budget one way or another. So here are two ideas on a reward system that doesn’t cost a thing (or costs very little). TV Tickets My favorite. I keep … Continue reading