How Much and What Kind of Insurance Do We Need?

There are two main reasons everyone will be required or needs to consider purchasing insurance in order to manage their personal risks. In most cases the legally required insurance will cover for liability or property damage where we ourselves are not the one who will be financially protected. Required Insurance Generally Includes: Legally required financial responsibility auto insurance. Most states set a minimum dollar amount of required liability insurance in order to register an automobile. The minimum requirement is for damages a person may cause to someone else’s property or injuries. Loan and Financing Required Insurance is most common for … Continue reading

Spring Is In The Air, and so is a lot of other Junk!

It’s time to haul out the lawnmower, clippers and get dirt under our fingernails. So many pretty flowers are showing themselves, and everything is about to burst with bloom. There is a lot of work to be done, and the days are getting longer and longer just to remind us of the nearing summertime… Homeowners and renters (if they really appreciate their landlords) need to start thinking of all the maintenance and hazard issues for their home as well as their liability risks. If you still have your holiday lights hanging from the eve’s of your house, then you need … Continue reading

Insurance As A Lifestyle

This is the first Blog of many where Insurance as a Lifestyle will be the focus. Yes, I hear the laughing! How on earth can Insurance be a Lifestyle and who is the crazy person suggesting that insurance might have anything to do with Lifestyle? My hope is to help change this attitudes and share with my readers How and Why insurance is and should be part of any successful, productive and safe lifestyle. With nearly every choice we as human beings make there are consequences. As parents we try to teach our children that running into the street is … Continue reading

Insuring Words: Plagiarism, Copyright and Publication

Plagiarism and copyright infringement has become an important liability for any writer, website owner or business with publications to consider in the modern world of media. Never before have ordinary people, citizens of the world or well educated members of a society had more freedom of speech then we do today. Personal websites, journals and Blogs have made it possible for anyone to say what they think, feel or believe. The freedom of the Internet, and home publication tools we have today, make it possible to get our ideas and words into the hands, and eyes of nearly any target … Continue reading

Don’t Let Your Pipes Freeze-Tips to Avoid Home Water Damage.

Most homeowners don’t consider the damage from frozen and broken water pipes as catastrophic as a natural disaster, but the damages caused from water pipe failures are one of the most common and least recognized catastrophe losses homeowners suffer every year. Second only to hurricanes, frozen and broken water pipes cause more losses in terms of the number of homes damaged and the total amount of claims paid by insurance companies in the U.S. Repair costs of $50,000 are very common for homes that suffer damage from frozen and broken water pipes. These damages can be a homeowners worst nightmare. … Continue reading

‘Tis The Season for Lights and Fire Claims! Tips For Safe Lighting

We all see the news reports every year, a family loses everything to a Holiday house fire. It is very easy to think it will happen to someone else, until you are the family on the evening news, standing in the driveway of charred ruins. The lights are very pretty that is for sure but before you string fire starters on your gutters be sure you keep safety in mind. Before hanging, the decorations be sure to check your strings of lights for: Frayed or bare cords, and check for broken wires. If you find any problems, with the actual … Continue reading

How To Have a Claim Free Holiday Season

I just love the holiday season, I love cooking, baking, making gifts, entertaining and everything about being stressed-out with the joy of giving my family and friends the best I have to share. It’s the time of the year I enjoy giving others something they wouldn’t ordinarily give to themselves. We always have a huge party and invite everyone, It’s my turn to show off and give them the taste of my cooking. We all (hopefully) invest in a Homeowner or Renters insurance policy for a reason. The fact is that every year the holidays bring multiple opportunities for families … Continue reading

3-Tips To Keep Your Kitchen Bacteria Claim Free While Cooking.

The last thing we want if we are, the host of a dinner or party is to make our family and guest sick. If we are going to go to all the trouble to be a host then we want everyone to remember the experience for the right reasons, and not because someone is hurt or sick due to a liability we have in our kitchen. We might have a Homeowner or renters insurance policy that would cover Guest Medical and Liability Claims but the most important part of risk management is to avoid the claim in the first place. … Continue reading

Are You Ready to Celebrate the Fourth of July?

It’s that time of the year! The big barbecue in the backyard and fireworks at dusk party! Are you sure you are ready to assume the risks and liability of a firework related loss? Fireworks that leave the ground or blow into pieces are restricted in some states and legal in others. So-called “safe” fireworks such as sparklers and smoke makers have risks. Embers from any firework can cause fires and bodily injuries. Your fireworks may cause property damage and bodily injury to neighbors or guests at your party. Homeowners may assume they are covered for any accident that occurs … Continue reading

Firewise Landscaping: Trees

There isn’t much a homeowner can do to reduce their risk of loss caused by earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes. When it comes to wildfire however, there are several ways homeowners can protect their homes from fire. Wildfires occur no matter our best efforts and keeping a wildfire away from your home starts with your landscaping. Homeowners may want to talk with their insurance agent or state agricultural college for tips and advice about fire resistant landscaping. In many cases insurance companies will inspect for defensible space and firewise risk management before issuing or renewing a homeowner insurance policy. Trees on … Continue reading