Hitting the Pool with a Toddler

I used to think watching a naked toddler run around a swimming pool was cute. Of course, that was when it was my kid baring it all and not a stranger’s tot trotting around in his birthday suit relieving himself in the same water my family’s swimming in. Due to the serious nature of wading in a pool contaminated with human stool, it’s vital your toddler be clad properly. If your toddler is not potty trained you will want to invest in swim diapers before you head to the pool.  Regular diapers may fit snugly around his thighs and waist, … Continue reading

A Letter to the Drunk Guy at the Playground

I don’t know who you are, strange man sitting on a rock by the corner of the playground. I do know that it’s a beautiful Saturday afternoon and I’m at the playground with my two young children. We came here to have a good time, and to play with the other kids. I am not sure why you are here, but something tells me that you probably shouldn’t be. Maybe it’s the way that you are sitting on that rock, just staring at everyone. Maybe not. That is creepy, but sometimes people are a little socially awkward like that. There’s … Continue reading

When Your Toddler Puts Things in His Mouth

One of the challenges of being the parent of a toddler, especially a very young toddler, is that toddlers like to put everything and anything into their mouths. If they can pick it up and it will fit, into the mouth it goes. For some reason, it seems like Blake started this everything – into – the – mouth behavior well before becoming a toddler. Now that he is a toddler, he still does it and I have no idea when this particular phase will end. Since I know that I am not the only one who is constantly checking their … Continue reading

Keeping Toddlers Safe Outdoors

Now that it is time to spend lots of time outdoors with the kids, it is also time to think about keeping the kids safe in the yard. Each of our homes and yards presents different safety issues for young children. Keeping curious toddlers safe can feel like a full time job sometimes. Next time you go outside, take a look around the yard and identify any poison ivy or other dangerous plants that are native to your geographic area. Remember where they are and either remove them (learn how to do so safely first) or keep your child away from … Continue reading

Staying Safe While you are Nesting

Have you heard stories of pregnant women who suddenly become possessed with an urge to deep – clean their entire homes from top to bottom? It does happen some times, and it is called “nesting”. Please note that I said that it happens some times, for some pregnant women.  I never experienced an overwhelming urge to deep clean my house during either of my pregnancies.  I kept wondering (and I am sure that my husband did too) when I would find myself washing the windows or mopping the   floors like a woman possessed, but it just never happened. If you … Continue reading

Why Can’t I Eat Deli Meat?

Are you wondering why your prenatal care provider has asked you to avoid eating foods like soft cheeses and deli meats during your pregnancy?  This piece of prenatal care advice is related to food safety. Pregnant women and their babies can be seriously affected by a bacteria called Listeria, which can cause blood infections, meningitis, and other serious and life threatening complications. Infection with the Listeria bacterium is called Listeriosis. Listeriosis is a relatively rare illness, with about 2500 cases annually in the United States. It is very serious and it can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth, and infections and … Continue reading

Online Safety in the Home

I read a disheartening statistic today. A recent study showed that children are only three clicks away from viewing adult content on youtube. Since we don’t have cable in our home, we often turn to youtube to watch some of my son’s favorite shows together. He knows how to navigate the site well enough to get to the shows he wants, but now I’m not so sure that’s a good thing. The study showed that while watching Dora children were only four clicks away from a music video featuring swearing and nudity. While watching Sesame Street they were a mere … Continue reading

Major Product Recall – Please Check Your Child’s Pajama Drawer

Before you became a parent, you may have had little to no involvement with product recalls. I know that I never did, with the exception of a couple of notices that I received regarding repairs that had to be made to my car, at the manufacturer’s expense. Once you become a parent, you will likely learn rather quickly that products made for babies and children are frequently the subject of product recalls. A product recall is when the public is notified that a specific product is potentially dangerous. Recalled items may have to be removed from use, used differently, repaired … Continue reading

Snowy Days are Here Again

It’s cold outside right now, and as Dylan sleeps the night away, it is snowing like crazy. We have not had much snow at all yet this winter, and winter in Vermont is normally associated with snow and plenty of it. It is possible that this storm will bring anywhere between six and eighteen inches of snow to our home. Tomorrow morning, Dylan is sure to be excited when he sees what happened overnight. He loves to be outdoors, even in the snow and the cold. If you have a toddler or two at home, chances are that your little … Continue reading

The Toddler and the Tree

One thing that may be on your mind at this time of year is whether or not to have a Christmas tree. Christmas trees are irresistible to toddlers, with all of the shiny ornaments and twinkling lights just begging to be touched. Toddlers can easily knock a tree over, break ornaments and get cut, or get tangled in cords from the lights. Since Christmas trees can pose a danger to your toddler, you are wise to consider whether or not to have one in your home. For Dylan’s first Christmas, he was a month old. He was always either asleep … Continue reading