Leftovers: Good Idea or Bad?

Growing up I hate leftovers and would do everything I could to avoid them. Now, as a mom of three, I’ve made my peace with leftovers and try to use them in creative ways. (Here are some ideas for Unconventional Leftovers.) But, are leftovers really a good idea? Let us take a look. Leftovers Can Make your Sick (BAD) Since I hate wasting money, I’m reluctant to toss out food. Taken too far, this could make me sick, when leftovers are too old or haven’t been stored properly. Getting leftovers refrigerated or frozen immediately, labeling leftovers with a date, and … Continue reading

How to Make a Weekly Frugal Food Plan

Food is quickly becoming one of the biggest expenses in the average family’s budget. Attack your food budget with a weekly money-saving plan. Each day pick a task that will help you save money on your food bill. Developing a weekly frugal food plan can reduce the cost of feeding your family. Below, you can see an example of my own weekly frugal food plan. You can use it as a guideline and customize it to make it your own, so it makes sense for you and your family. Sunday Go grocery shopping with a list and coupons. Distribute bulk … Continue reading

How to Save Money on Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! I knew that we were firmly into spring when my children asked if they could stop and buy ice cream one afternoon. The sight of daffodils in bloom seem to trigger a craving for vanilla, chocolate or strawberry topped on a real sugar cone. Ice cream habits are hard to break. I should know. I lived in New England for a while, an area that has the highest rate of ice cream consumption in the country. I’m not sure why a climate that gets it far share of snow and … Continue reading

Six Reasons to Grocery Shop in the Morning

If you are a morning person, take advantage of this to save some money. Just the act of shopping as an early bird can reduce your food budget at the grocery store. Here are six reasons why this works. Before we get started shopping in the morning, make sure that you have had your coffee (if you drink it) and a light breakfast. This will give you the energy you need to shop. 1. Shopping in the morning will give you the opportunity for the best markdowns on bread and meat. The managers usually use the less crowded morning time … Continue reading