Four Ways to Downsize the Gimmies

Don’t let the “Gimmies” take over your home. Use the following advise to downsize the constant requests for stuff from your kids. Limit Media Exposure The number of commercial ads that our kids are exposed to on a daily basis is staggering. All of those ads have just one purpose, to sell us stuff, our kids included. The more ads our children are exposed to, the more things they will believe that they have to have. These ads are very clever at manipulating our children into never being satisfied and always wanting more. Limiting the media exposure our children receive … Continue reading

How to Spend Less on Toys

Let us face it. Toys are expensive. And there always seems to be another new toy that you have to have. The new toys are then abandoned for newer toys, and your playroom fills up as your wallet drains. But you want your kids to have happy childhoods and to learn and develop. Toys can help with these desires. The trick then, is to be able to provide the fun and education without spending a fortune for toys. When your children start to outgrow their toys, see if you can use them in new ways. Honestly, your children may beat … Continue reading