Share Your Money Dreams

What are some of your money dreams? I asked around and came up with this list… feel free to add some of your own! The ability to quit work and stay home with your kids. Believe it or not, both men and women wish for this dream. Some men want it for their family; others want it for them too. Having one parent home can save money on childcare and make everyone’s life less frantic, but it is also tough to lose one whole income. To buy your first home or condo. Often coming up with the financial means to … Continue reading

5 Steps for Setting Savings Goals

Recent studies show that the rate of savings among Americans is at an all time low. In fact, not only are we not saving, but we are spending more than we earn as is evidenced by spiraling credit card debt, bankruptcies and foreclosures. If your spending have gotten away from you don’t despair, you can rein it in. Fiscal health comes with planning and purpose. Following are five steps to put you on the path to a sound savings plan. 1. Set a goal It is easier to save when we have a purpose for our savings in mind. Generally, … Continue reading