Value Your Time – Part 2

This is the second part of my series on dealing with time issues in your home-based business. In my last blog, I discussed tackling time-wasters and distractions. In today’s blog, I am going to address the importance of valuing your time. What I mean by this is placing greater importance on how you spend your time instead of trying to be superwoman or superman. I’ll be honest. I am not impressed when someone rattles off how busy they are. My eyes start to glaze over when someone goes on and on about how they never have time for fun, enjoyable … Continue reading

Topical Whensday: When Will Your Yes Mean Yes and Your No Mean No.

“Yes means yes, no means no,” has been a long trialed slogan, trotted out to raise awareness around rape and sexual assault. Yes, great. Is it working? No. Research supports that it can be difficult for many children and women to say no in risky situations because they are often scared and because they have seldom had the opportunity to have their “no” listened to and respected. Being assertive takes practice. Saying “no” when everyone else is saying “yes” can leave many people isolated and bullied. Desperate to fit in, to be liked, to be part of the crowd, many … Continue reading