Single Parent Tip–Have a Home and Work Calendar

I have read about the importance of having one main date book or palm pilot or calendar and how it is important to keep the family schedule in one place. I can definitely see the advantages to making sure that everything is in one place but I have learned as a single parent that having two calendars works best–one that is stationary at home and one date book that goes to work (and everywhere else with me.) As a busy single parent, I need to know what is going on regardless of where I am. I used to try to … Continue reading

E-mailing Schedules

The other day, I got the most incredible e-mail. My eldest daughter sent me an e-mail listing the activities she’d scheduled for the coming week—including who she was going to be hanging out with, any money she might need, and other savory details. I have to tell you it was an organized mom’s dreams come true! I thought it was even better than having her tell me a half dozen times or put them on the kitchen calendar. Not only do I have the e-mail document, but I was able to jot things down into my datebook while I was … Continue reading

Leap Year or Not—February is a Short Month for Business

I have mixed feelings about February. To begin with, it is my birthday month, so I am rather fond of it for that reason only. From a work perspective, however, it tends to give me a bit of stress. With 2-3 days less in the month, you would think that it might make things easier but for a woman who needs every day an every hour to try to generate income—three (or two) in a leap year less days can have an effect on my bottom line and my energy level. I imagine it might be more mental than anything—I … Continue reading

Is Your Routine Holding You Back?

Routine is a good thing, right? For many of us who start home businesses, it takes us a while to establish a routine and get into a groove—once we do, we feel like we are finally making headway. Then, how and why could routine ever be a bad thing? Well, if your well-organized routine is keeping you from making progress, taking chances, or trying new things in your home business than it may have outlasted its usefulness. Of course, I am not advocating throwing out the baby with the bathwater here. I know that I really do NEED a certain … Continue reading

Shifting Bed-Time Schedules (and Other Schedules Too)

We all know by now that consistency and routine are important for a healthy, functioning family. BUT, change is constant—our lives change, our schedules change, and we also have to be flexible and capable of adjusting. For a single parent, figuring out how to cope with big schedule changes like a shift in bed-time schedules or routine, and still maintain consistency and limits can be a big challenge! With only one parent, if you have work shift changes, or if your child changes his or her sleeping habits, it can send the household into spin cycle. Trying to make sure … Continue reading

Is There a Point When You Just Call It “Good Enough”?

As I start to write this piece, I am really thinking about all my Christmas and holiday plans and chores, but I realize that it really is a great topic for a single parent at any time of the year. At some point, no matter how much we have already done or how much we think we still “ought” to do—we pretty much have to just decide that things are good enough and let it go. Last night, as I was maneuvering around the grocery store picking up items, I told myself it was going to be my VERY LAST … Continue reading

Are You Too Time Conscious?

I am working on letting go a bit on the whole “time thing”—as someone who has been on a schedule for years—work, kids, volunteer projects, coaching sports teams, Girl Scout meetings, etc. I have stayed pretty connected to the clock. But, I’ve tucked my watches away in my jewelry box and I am trying to be more present without being chained to the clock. My work does not require that I punch in certain hours, so I now have some flexibility there. Additionally, my children are much more self-managing so I am no longer responsible for getting them where they … Continue reading

Consistency is Big For Single Parents Too

Consistency is one of those things that comes up again and again in parenting manuals and books—but the reality of life for a single parent can be that trying to set up schedules and remain consistent with reactions and discipline can be tough. Often, we find ourselves just reacting and trying to get through the day. I think it can be double important for single parents to focus on consistency—especially in important areas like rules, expectations and discipline. Let’s be honest—who among us hasn’t “given in” and let our child stay up later or eat cookies for breakfast just because … Continue reading

Schedule Play

As single parents, many of us have a tendency to schedule everything–we keep calendars and lists to make sure we get everyone to soccer practice, piano lessons, make those work meetings, and ensure that we don’t run out of milk and bread. But, one of the things that can get shoved to the back burner is a little play. It might help to schedule in play time–both with our child or children and for ourselves–just as we would schedule in all those other things we do to keep our families thriving. I know it might seem a little square and … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Your Schedule

Schedules are important. For some people, they are the only way they know how to survive day to day. Everyone has one, even when they do not think they do. Waking up in the morning is even part of a schedule, even if it does occur at different times everyday. Scrapbooking your schedule might seem silly to you. But you would be surprised at how quickly our schedules change, even when they don’t feel like they do. And each member of your household usually has a different schedule, giving you multiple opportunities at different layouts. The best part is, they … Continue reading