Is Your Computer Hurting Your Child?

Is your child hurting their eyes using the computer? The majority of American homes today offer children some sort of computer access. Children who do not have access to a computer in their home usually have access through their school or library and many spend at least one hour, if not considerably more in front of a computer screen everyday. So is using the computer that much good for your child? A recent study showed that too much computer use by children can have a negative impact on your child’s vision. Heavy computer use by children at a young age … Continue reading

TV: How Much Is Too Much?

The survey results from the Kaiser Family Foundation were released recently showing a disturbing trend in “screen time” for children. Despite the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation that all screen time be limited to just 1-2 hours per day, Nielsen data shows that children are spend approximately 3 hours per day watching television and a whopping 6.5 hours per day in front of all combined screens. This hasn’t changed much in the last few years; there seem to be new trends adding to the old. Twenty percent of children, we have learned, have a television in their bedroom before the … Continue reading

Warm Up Empty Corners, Part III

This article provides a few more ways to treat empty corners and spaces. For more ideas, please check out the other articles if you missed them. Folding Screens You can purchase a folding screen, make your own, or dress up an existing screen. You can cover the screen with framed family photos, rich fabric, or a paint treatment. Another idea is to stencil on a design or to decoupage images from favorite prints, wallpaper, or other mediums onto the screen. If you don’t have a screen, or the corner seems too small to add a piece of furniture, try treating … Continue reading