Get Free Stuff from SwagBucks!

It’s always fun to be able to get something for free. It’s even better when you can get something for free just by continuing to do what you are already doing every day. lets you earn swag bucks that you can exchange for free stuff. Swagbucks is a search engine. You may be familiar with the popular search engine called Google. When you use a search engine, you type in what you are looking for, and hit enter, and the search engine will update the page with a bunch of links that relate to what you told it you … Continue reading

Microsoft Bid for Yahoo Heats Up

Last week, Microsoft made a 45 million dollar bid to buy Yahoo, swooping in shortly after the search engine giant announced that it would be forced to conduct employee layoffs sue to sagging funds. There are many critics against the move, and none taking more of a lead than rival search engine Google, which calls the bid an attempt at a hostile takeover.. Just yesterday, the chief legal officer of Google, David Drummer, made an announcement that Google will not sit quietly by on the sidelines as Microsoft attempts to monopolize the Internet. On his blog, Drummond said he questions … Continue reading

Microsoft and Google Battling over Vista

It is well known that Microsoft and Google are far from best buddies. The two companies have been rivals for some time. Microsoft wants what Google has: the largest share of the search engine pie, and Google wants Microsoft to stay out of its space. There have been ongoing rumors about Microsoft purchasing Yahoo in order to achieve its goals. Microsoft says that it doesn’t need to buy Yahoo in order to compete with Google. The latest saga in this war has to do with the Vista operating system and its built-in search engine. Google accuses Microsoft of unfair practices, … Continue reading

Search the Web Better – Be a Google Wizard

My friends call me Oracle. The main reason for this is that I can find information on the web very fast and with great precision and best of all it is easy! You too can become a Google wizard with a few simple keystrokes and these helpful tips. [h]Search Terms[/h] The better your search terms the better your results. I tend to be more specific at first and only if I am not finding the results I’m looking for, then I broaden my search. Use strong specific words that you think the site you will be looking for will have … Continue reading