How We Contribute to Our Children’s Fears

When I started out on the road of parenting, I was determined I was going to do everything right (I was young, and still quite convinced I could do such a thing if I put my mind to it)–I was going to be pleasant and patient and never threaten or lose my temper with my children. As the young mother of preschoolers, I used to joke when they were being particularly challenging that I was “going to send them down to the minors”–my playful reference to sending them down to the minor leagues until things improved and they could come … Continue reading

As a Parent, Are You Overly-Sensitive? (Or Not Sensitive Enough?)

I have a tendency to take things personally–or at least I used to. I imagine that twenty years of being in the parenting trenches has toughened my skin a bit. Now, I occasionally feel as though I am lacking sensitivity and being a big too jaded when interacting with my kids. I suppose the goal is to achieve some balance between being sensitive to our children’s feelings and needs (and our own) and not being so sensitive we are unable to make objective choices and decisions. We can become overly enmeshed with our children and so sensitive that we take … Continue reading