More Natural Remedies for a Sinus Infection

You may have noticed my ongoing fight against sinus infections. Whenever I get one, I start up my “sinus experiment”. The key component in my big plan is shooting salt water up my nose with a sinus rinse kit. It’s gross, but it really does work! I definitely wouldn’t have started doing it if an ear/nose/throat specialist hadn’t said it was that or another sinus surgery — the right motivation is everything. Now that I’ve seen it successfully fight off multiple sinus infections, I’ve been trying to get other people onto the sinus rinse bandwagon. If you can’t stomach the … Continue reading

Sinus Infections

If I was a nasal super hero, my arch-nemesis would be the dreaded sinus infection. When I get sick, it’s usually involving my sinuses. People with allergies (like me!) are prone to sinus infections. A sinus infection may feel a lot like a cold, but it’s not really curable without antibiotics. Symptoms: • Stuffy nose and/or congestion • A headache with pain in the forehead • Pain below the eyes, in the cheeks/jaw area • Coughing, sneezing You May Also Experience: • Fever • Sore throat from nasal drainage, known as post-nasal drip So you’ve tried all your favorite over-the-counter … Continue reading

Jack’s Salt Water Cold Remedy

My buddy Jack rarely gets sick. Whenever he feels a cold coming on, he always manages to fight it off. His secret? He sniffs salt water up his nose. This is probably the most disgusting thing I can think of, personally. Suck salt water up your nose, yeah, Jack, that’s a great idea. No thanks! Looks like Jack has the right idea, though. An ear-nose-throat doc gave me a delightful sinus rinse kit to use to fight off my frequent sinus infections. I do have to say the experience is exactly as disgusting as I imagined it would be. But … Continue reading