Sorting Shapes

We have the Tupperware Shape-O Toy. It has been a favorite of all the toddlers who have lived with us. What’s funny is that as much as the children love the toy, we try to hide it. Children love repetition. They are more than happy to hear the same stories, listen to the same songs, and watch the same movies over and over again. When the children want to play with the shape sorting ball we have to play too. We love the children and love playing with them, but it gets tiring having to repeat the actions with them … Continue reading

Attachment Parenting-Teaching a Life Skill

The majority of attachment parenting techniques used are actually normal and basic things any parent of any child might find positive. Most of the things adoptive parents focus on are the things other parents don’t even have to pay attention to because it is just a given fact. I am your mom and that is that. Adoptive parents have an added worry in the back of our minds, “I hope my child has a healthy attachment?” We may appear to be slightly over concerned and over responsive to our children. Other parents, friends, teachers, and grandparents may suggest we are … Continue reading