To Pacify or Not to Pacify. That is the Question.

I’ve blogged before about how my first child was/is a thumb sucker, and my second loved his pacifier, but finally kicked the habit, and now we have my third that I feel we are at a crossroads with. You see,  he hasn’t been a great sleeper because of his tummy issues. We’ve always felt the need to continue night feedings with him. Well, now he is 14 months old, and starting to eat more, and it seems that he is fine going without food all night long. Sounds great, right? Well, my problem is that he seems to be getting more … Continue reading

Babies’ Sleep? Really?

Trying to understand the sleeping patterns of a baby is like doing fractal geometry without a lecture. You read a lot in baby books and get a lot of advice on what your baby should or shouldn’t do. You’ll hear lots of things that other people’s babies did. You’ll feel equal parts gratified and annoyed by the plethora of well meaning advice. Get ready for a little bit more. Babies are just like aliens in my opinion. They are not from our world. They don’t know our rules. They don’t know the difference between night and day. They also have … Continue reading