Deschooling: The Fallacy of Comparing Children

One of the boldest arguments that I’ve ever heard against homeschooling is to compare children. When my son did not know how to write his letters or the sounds of the letters by age 4, people around us were up in arms about our homeschooling practices. One particular acquaintance pointed out that her son was in an all day preschool program and he could write all of his letters and numbers and knew most of their sounds. Perhaps it was time to admit that I’m not so good at this homeschooling thing after all. Meanwhile, my poor illiterate son was … Continue reading

Budgeting a Small Income

One excuse for not having a budget is that you do not have enough money to bother budgeting. It can be difficult to make ends meet on any income, but especially on smaller incomes. There are many reasons that people with smaller incomes resist writing down a budget. One is that it is difficult to see how you will be able to meet your monthly obligations. Another is that your wants may be pushed aside by your needs. It is possible to live comfortably on a small amount of money, but you may need to redefine what you consider comfortably. … Continue reading