My Decision To Stay Home

When people hear that I quit my teaching job to be at home full-time with my daughter, they often respond, “You are so lucky that you can afford to do that.” I indeed feel very lucky. I know I’m blessed, and I’m thankful for it. Contrary to what people might think, however, I don’t stay home because we have piles of money just sitting around. I don’t live in a situation where we have so much money that I decided I might as well not work. In fact, my husband is a full-time student. Not only do we not have … Continue reading

Tips for Making Your House a Home

Is your house really your home or just some shelter that keeps out the cold and gives you a private place to sleep? With the economic downturn, many people are rediscovering the joy of having a place to live that is a true home, cozy, warm, inviting, and a place of sanctuary. Here are some tips for turning your house into more of a home. Good cooking Forget take out or convenience foods. Forget the diet fads and just concentration on healthy meals. Relax in your home and get familiar with the kitchen. Nothing says home more than anything else … Continue reading

Why Being a Hermit was Good for My Health

Okay… I’m partly joking with that title. I’m also partly serious. I’m also feeling grumpy because I caught a cold from my coworkers at the cats only boarding facility — two of my coworkers were sick this week, but came to work anyway because we had a full house. Now I’m home sniffling, sneezing, and building a mountain of used tissues next to the bed! Definitely not how I wanted to spend my Saturday. Since March 2006, I’ve been doing the freelance writing thing as a full time job. It’s great in so many ways — I set my own … Continue reading

Reaching Out to Nature

Usually the morning routine is a frantic pace of getting everyone dressed and fed and out in the driveway in time for my eldest son to catch the bus to first grade. Then after we wave goodbye, I shuffle the other two children back into the house to begin our daily routine. But the time change must be affecting me. The day is as crisp as the newly fallen leaves, and I didn’t have the heart to make everyone go back inside. So instead, I asked if they wanted to play in the woods, which is essentially our backyard. We … Continue reading