Save Time and Money: Frugal Storage Tips For Your Child

I learned a terribly useful trick, from all my research in organization. Make it EASIER to put away items and HARDER to get them out. I promise, it works! Keep this in mind as you are organizing your child’s room. Think about storage placement in regards to ease of putting it away. If it’s easy to put away, a child is more apt to do it. Consider that you need to start from the bottom of the room and work your way up. Children are smaller than us big adults, so storing on a closet shelf that they cannot reach … Continue reading

Tips for Not Confusing Organization with Buying More Stuff

This entire week we have been focusing on not buying more organizational products for storage and looking at what is already in the home. Frugal Living is a challenge in today’s economy so learning to see a treasure in a piece of trash is something you must learn. Here are a few tips on recognizing items for what they can be, rather than what they are. What else can be used for organizing? – Baby Food Jars – Containers used for other items (ie. Plastic Lego containers and buckets that no longer host the item, etc) – Paint Buckets, and … Continue reading

Organize a Child’s Room Without Buying a Thing (3)

Hopefully you have followed the advice I’ve given in the previous two articles and by now all the children’s clothes are sorted and organized again. Hopefully you were able to find empty used boxes for storage, and shoe boxes and baskets around the home to store other items in. So now all the clothing is organized. Quite a task! What’s next? Toys. Children seem to have an over abundance of them. They are everywhere. With five kids in our house we have more toys than we know what to do with. If you are lucky like me, most of your … Continue reading

Organize the Right Way – Frugally!

Okay, I honestly will admit, one of my favorite past-times, or hobbies to some – is Organizing! There really isn’t a right or wrong way to organize, simply because each person is unique and different in what works for them. For me, I am a clean person. I do not like dirt, smells or anything else! But I was a bit on the cluttery side. It took me awhile to figure out why. When I did, everything made more sense and I was able to organize much better plus all of a sudden I realized I had all this money … Continue reading

More Tips to Organizing Your Scrapbooking

Here are a few more tips for organizing your scrapbooking and time. These methods should help you with time management as well as keeping your creativity flowing. Store small items with care – Lisa Andrews recently wrote the article Scrapbook Organization: Small Embellishments. She offered some great advice on storing smaller embellishments. It’s important to take great care when organizing these smaller items and storing them. If they accidentally get dropped or knocked it can be quite the mess to clean up. Practicing good storage on these items, can ensure that never happens. Keep your mementos together – If you … Continue reading

Tips to Organizing Your Scrapbooking

Getting organized is often a challenge for scrapbookers. Here are a few ways to help yourself get and stay organized. Schedule Time – Both for creating your layouts, organizing your supplies and putting together page kits, or organizing items that go together on a layout. You need to do this often. Some people choose once a week, but once a month can be just as effective. Keep Supplies Handy – Keep often-used supplies in a plastic container. I prefer a clear plastic storage container with a handle. Usually these can be found at any discount chain. Store them nearby where … Continue reading