The “Two Minute Warning” Might Make Tantrums Worse

It has been said that the “two minute warning” is a good way to help a young child transition from playtime to another (less fun) activity. A study found that the “two minute warning” might actually make tantrums worse for some children – especially if the child was engaged in screen time. Researchers at the University of Washington’s Computing for Health Living & Learning Lab interviewed 27 families about how they manage media and screen time experiences for their toddlers and preschoolers. The answers to those questions informed a diary study that included 28 different families. Each family documented screen … Continue reading

Caving In

I consider myself to be a pretty stubborn person and over my many years of parenting I have learned how to be fairly detached and firm when I need to be. That said, I have also done my share of getting exhausted and caving in. When is it okay to give in to a child’s demand and what can a parent do to keep from caving in when it is best to stay firm? I do not think it is possible to ALWAYS be firm and to NEVER give in to a whining child. However, there are times when giving … Continue reading

Just Because Tantrums are Normal—Should we Indulge Them?

I have yet to meet a parent who has not had to cope with his or her share of tantrums. Whether it is the very young child or the teenager with the yelling and door-slamming, those tantrums are as much a part of parenting as diapers and doctor’s appointments. Just because tantrums are normal, however, do we have to expect and accept them? Do we have to indulge the tantrum simply because it is typical? There is a huge difference between acceptance and indulgence! I can accept that my children’s behavior is normal and typical and it can still be … Continue reading

The Terrible Twos Might not Wait for the Second Birthday

It happens to just about every parent—it seems that overnight your cute, acquiescent, adorable and bubbly baby turns into an independent monster overnight shouting “No!” and “Mine!” at every interval. Alas, you may be expecting the arrival of the terrible twos but surprised to find that they don’t always wait until after the second birthday… I think that parents of the newly verbal, vocal, and opinionated toddler need to hear that they have done their job! Congratulations are in order if your child is starting to assert her independence and has learned how to make her wishes, wants, and needs … Continue reading

Are The Tantrums at Certain Times of the Day?

What parent does not find him or her having to deal with power struggles and temper tantrums at some point or another? For some of us, there are certain children who seem more likely to have the fits and temper tantrums, where for other children; it seems to be more age-related. What you might not have considered, however, is whether your child’s moods and behavior problems are actually tied to certain times of the day? Surely you have discovered that your child might be one of many who gets cranky at the end of the day—when he is hungry and … Continue reading

Build Grouchy Time Into Your Toddler’s Day

If you have a toddler you are probably all too familiar with the temper tantrum. You may also have a child who insists on throwing a tantrum at the most inopportune time, say for instance in the morning while you are trying to get the kid off to daycare or preschool and yourself off to work. What can you do to make sure you’re not rushing everyday? Parenting expert and columnist John Redmond offered this advice to a mother who was at her wits end about how to handle the daily early morning tantrums her daughter was throwing. The mother … Continue reading

Six Universal Rules of Discipline

I’ve written several blogs on behavior and discipline, but sometimes it’s best to get back to basics. As parents we need to occasionally refresh our memories about the no-nonsense, ABCs of keeping things under control. These principles will work with children who have all kinds of disabilities or behavior problems. You’ve already heard all these points in different ways at different times. But how are you doing, really? Have you drifted into an anything-goes mentality, where you just react angrily to whatever your kid is doing? Is it time to reassess your parenting technique? Here are Six Universal Rules of … Continue reading

When Your Child on the Autism Spectrum has RAGE

When I was a young mother with a newly-diagnosed autistic toddler, a woman came to my home to talk to me about her adult son with autism. What is interesting is that I do not remember who put us in touch or even her name. But she came for a visit, I suppose because I was just starting the journey, and she was a street-wise traveler. She shared some very frightening stories about her son. Our visit was not very helpful; it actually terrified me. Horror Stories She told me that once her son reached puberty, his episodes of rage … Continue reading

The Things Our Toddlers Do To Drive Us Crazy

Toddlers are people, too or so we tell ourselves whenever they exhibit unique personality traits. What do I mean by unique personality traits? I mean the things they do that help define their personality as well as their outlook on the world around them. They aren’t really trying to make you crazy, despite all appearances to the contrary. So what are the things that our toddlers do that drive us crazy? Food Toss – Your toddler enjoys eating their food, for sure – but they also love throwing it around because they love the texture of it and they love … Continue reading

Help Your Child to be More Cooperative

A common cause of tantrums, outbursts, and refusals is a child’s sense that he has lost control. Children desperately want to feel that they have some control over themselves and their environment. Thus, they get into frequent power struggles with mom and dad. For example, if your son starts getting out modeling clay and you say, “No, put that away, we’re about to eat dinner,” you have taken away his power of choice–both how he can choose to spend his time, and what objects he can manipulate in his environment. And when you announce “It’s time for bed,” you have … Continue reading