Make Cleaning a Priority for Next School Year

As discussed in a previous article, most teachers begin working, without pay and by their own will, a week or so before school is to start. There are several things that teachers do to get ready for the next school year. Most of these things cannot wait to be done after the children arrive. During this time teachers put up new decorations and bulletin boards. They begin to label all of the items for the children (if they know their class roaster). Teachers arrange and rearrange the desks and tables in order to get a new feel from the previous … Continue reading

Teachers, Be Honest with Parents

In the last eight years I have worked at, been in contact with, or had teacher friends at several different schools. I have observed and researched many different teaching styles and teacher personalities. I have seen teachers who are less than social and personable and I have observed teachers who are all out almost obnoxious. There are teachers who are very approachable for students and parents and then there are teachers who I do not even dare to approach! I suppose the one thing about some teachers that bothers me the most is the sugar coating and telling parents what … Continue reading

Classroom Game Fun

In some of my last articles I offered some ideas for games that can be used in the classroom. Children learn more when they are engaged in learning. If children are bored and inattentive they learn less. Therefore it is important that teachers make their lessons as fun and as engaging as possible. Games are a great way to review material and get students involved. The first game that I discussed was a quickness game and works best with quick or memorization facts. The second game discussed is played much like baseball. It can be used with facts and with … Continue reading

More Fun Classroom Games

In a previous article I discussed how a child’s education can be fun and exciting. All it takes is a little creativity and planning by the teacher. Because not all teachers possess creativity, I will share some ideas that work for me in the classroom. The games that I am listing have worked for both lower grade levels and upper grade levels. Simply adjust the material to meet your needs. The first game that I described was a quickness games. Students compete to see who can name or answer a card first. The next couple of games listed are also … Continue reading

Fun Games for Classrooms

Good teaching, effective teaching, is actually an art. An effective teacher has a creative way of relaying information to the students so that it is fun and interesting. While not all school work can be fun, much of learning can be exciting if it is presented in a proper manner. Some teachers are natural creators. They are creative and make-up fun and educational games with ease. Other teachers are not so fortunate to have this gift. However, that does not mean that their classes must be boring and games cannot be used. There are many resource books and websites that … Continue reading

Returning to Class after Christmas Vacation

The day returning to school from Christmas vacation or any vacation from school can be wild. The children, the young ones anyway, are so full of stories and details of the break. Some cannot wait to share about Christmas presents while others cannot wait to share a special outing or event that they attended. The older students are also excited. However, they look more forward to talking to each other rather than to the teacher. The first hour that the children are together can be very loud and talkative. They are overwhelmed to see one another and to compare stories. … Continue reading

Tips for Teachers: Be Honest

A few articles age I introduced my new addition to education at This addition I named Tips for Teachers. Over the past few weeks I have occasionally offered tips for teachers. My tips come from experience and observation in the classroom. Some tips I have learned the hard way, from experience. This is one of those tips. As a teacher, always be as honest with the students as possible. Never say something thinking that it will pacify them for the time and that they will forget about what you said. Students are very clever. They can tell when you … Continue reading

Tips for Teachers: Keep All Notes Sent to You by Parents

Today I am adding another article to my Tips for Teachers section. I think that it is very important for teachers to learn from the mistakes of other teachers. My tip today is about paper work and noting keeping. It is very important to create a file for each child in your classroom. You can then add all of the notes from and to parents to the file. I keep all notes that are sent to me from parents no matter how simple or small they may seem. This I am thankful for doing. Last year I had a parent … Continue reading

Tips for Teachers: Managing Student Supplies

In my last Tips for Teachers article, I offered advice on using glue in a kindergarten classroom. In this article, I would like to address the management of student supplies in younger primary classrooms. Throughout most days, students will need crayons, scissors, glue, and a pencil. How the teacher distributes these items can vary from class to class. Some teachers allow the students to keep a box of the items in their desks. However, many primary classrooms are equipped with tables rather than desks. Therefore the challenge becomes even greater. Some teachers make or purchase seat sacks to go on … Continue reading

Introducing Tips for Teachers

Experience is very valuable when you are a teacher. The college experience can never prepare you for the real classroom setting. No matter how much you have read or researched, there is nothing like trail and error to see which methods and techniques are best for you. During your first year of teaching you will find out that some things work and some do not. You will revisit and revise ideas. Some you will throw out completely and vow never to repeat. Others you will write down and carry out for years to come. Each year of teaching, you will … Continue reading