My Baby is a Screamer

I think that I have a screamer on my hands. No wait, I know I do. Neither of my other children ever screamed like my little guy is doing. Yesterday, we took our little guy to church as usual on Sundays, and we were sitting in class and he was playing with some crayons. He was getting frustrated because he was not able to take them in and out of the bag that they were in easily. So, he started screaming. I am not talking about a cry, but I am talking about a scream of frustration. It seems this is … Continue reading

Let the Screaming Begin!

If you couldn’t tell by the title of this post I have a screaming child next to me. I’m on the verge of going to find my own corner to scream in. It’s been one of those days…weeks…months…ok, years. He’s very four. I may have thrown the idea of selling him to the zoo around a few times today. It certainly would make for a less stressful night, but I guess I might miss the screaming after a few days…maybe. Kids are hard and it seems they are always harder during this time of year. With all of the excitement … Continue reading

Taming Temper Tantrums

Yes, if you found your way here, you’ve probably experienced one this week–the dreaded temper tantrum. You know how they start. One day your angel goes to bed and awakes the next morning with a smile. As always you fix the little darling her favorite breakfast on her favorite plate and place it at her favorite spot on the table. Then, just when you feel like June Cleaver it happens–she didn’t want that plate, she didn’t want that food, “No, no, no! As long as she is safe, experts suggest that you restate in 4 words or less (in a … Continue reading

Those Early Temper Tantrums

When someone laments about the “terrible twos” or those trying toddler years, they are usually referring to temper tantrums. Somewhere around a year old or 18 months, otherwise sweet and bubbly children can start to throw temper tantrums. Is there anything at all that can be done to minimize those early temper tantrums or at least learn to cope? Young children have tantrums for all sorts of reasons–they are frustrated at not being able to communicate and get what they want, they are tired, sick, trying to figuring out where they stand in the world and how they can make … Continue reading

Impulse Control Disorder

Shortly after the boys moved in, the words “dysfunction” and “disorder” became commonplace in our everyday language. There were a multitude of them, some diagnosed, others lying in wait to be discovered in the boys’ everyday behavior. We were aware of Randy’s ADHD, FAE, and learning disabilities. We soon learned Daniel had real and critical problems with Attachment Disorder and hoarding issues. However, it took us awhile to realize there was a serious issue with Randy; he had been diagnosed with Impulse Control Disorder, but we weren’t aware of it until we experienced his behavioral symptoms. Our first inclination of … Continue reading

Teaching a Child Respect

Unfortunately, the one lesson that many children could afford to learn is about respect. Some children grow up throwing temper tantrums, hitting, biting, talking back, and kicking, which are certainly not acceptable behaviors. When a two-parent family suddenly becomes a one-parent family, a normal quiet child may begin to show signs of disrespect of a child already struggling with respect may become much worse. Although you need to put a stop to this, you also want to be careful that you understand your child’s feelings and needs during this difficult time. I have personally watched kids that seem immune to … Continue reading

Tips for Dealing with Temper Tantrums

Tantrums – Screams and crying oh my As a single parent, sometimes the challenges of dealing with babies and toddlers can be stressful, especially when it comes to temper tantrums. Of course, if you have children like mine, the best time for a tantrum is in the middle of the grocery store when your cart is near full. I actually had my son do that one time when he was about four. I told him twice that if he didn’t behave, we would leave. He refused so I asked the manager if he would put my shopping cart in the … Continue reading

Tempering Toddler Tantrums

When your baby becomes a toddler, it’s really a very exciting period for both of you. You will discover that your baby is much more interesting as a personality in their own right. But you have to take the good with the bad. Your toddler maybe developing their very own personality and becoming more intrigued with the world around them every day, but at the same time – they are more likely to have meltdowns where screaming hissy fits are made to look tame. It’s important to recognize the triggers of a toddler tantrum and to preempt them if you … Continue reading