Test Drive Your House

You wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it first, right? Well, why on earth do we forge ahead, buying homes without trying them out? A house is much more of an investment, and it generally has a much larger impact on your life than does a car. Wouldn’t it be great to spend a night or two in a home that you are considering buying? I know from first hand experience that no matter how many walk-throughs and inspections you get, there are always some surprises that come your way after you move in to your home. Wouldn’t be … Continue reading

Living Together: Test Drive for Marriage?

Many people think that living together is a good trial version of marriage. Living together may seem like a good idea and a way to get to know someone better before taking the leap. The chance to learn about each other’s quirks and faults and knowing more of what to expect, seems like a good test before making the commitment of marriage. That’s really the whole point. Living together is not at all the same kind of commitment as marriage. You swear no vows before God, witnesses, and each other, and you make no legal contract. Either person can still … Continue reading