Cardstock: A Rainbow of Colors

There are millions of colors in the world, in different tints and shades. Have you ever walked through a paper aisle and been overwhelmed at all of the colors you are given to choose from? How do you know that the shade of blue you are picking will work with the background paper you want to use with it? There are a few ways you can make sure that you get the colors you want so that when you sit down to scrapbook, you don’t find out the shade doesn’t fit your photographs or other supplies. Take It With You … Continue reading

Hannah’s Collections – Marthe Jocelyn

I had a lot of fun reviewing “Hannah and the Seven Dresses” the other day, so today I’m reviewing another book by the same author. In “Hannah’s Collections,” we see that Hannah loves to collect things. Everything is a treasure – and I do mean, everything. Her room is really cluttered with all of her things, and when her teacher asks the children in her class to bring in a collection to display, Hannah doesn’t know what to do. She has so many collections – how will she ever choose which one to bring? For instance, she has 153 buttons, … Continue reading

Hannah and the Seven Dresses – Marthe Jocelyn

I’m fascinated by the many different mediums children’s book illustrators use as they create pictures. In “Hannah and the Seven Dresses,” we see a clever way to show texture and color – the author, who is also the illustrator, made cloth collages and used them for the pictures. This is perfectly suited to the story, as the story is about clothes. Hannah sometimes has a hard time making decisions. You see, she has a closet full of lovely dresses, which she loves to wear, but it can be very hard to decide what dress to wear on what day. All … Continue reading

Captain Clutter & The Baby Explorer

Are you compulsive about how you tidy up your home? Does your baby make you crazy because the more mobile he or she becomes, the messier they get? It’s hard to keep a room straight and neat when baby is busy dismantling your bookshelves or dumping their toys out everywhere. One of my daughter’s favorite activities was to pull out all of the clothes out of the laundry basket and dragging them everywhere. Clutter Teaches As hard as it may seem to believe, clutter teaches our little ones. It teaches them about the different textures and the different objects. Consider … Continue reading