Transgender Girl Denied Access to Female Bathroom

If you opened up CNN today like I always do, you probably saw a beautiful, smiling little girl with purple hair wearing a pink dress as one of the main headlines. The only problem is this isn’t a sunny story about Barbies and butterflies.  The story was about how the transgendered little first grader living in Colorado was told by the school system that she could no longer use the girl’s bathroom at school. Coy Mathis, according to her mother, was born with male genitalia, but has always identified with being a girl.  She dresses as a girl and her … Continue reading

Oprah’s Weirdest Day

Yesterday, Michele blogged about how Oprah’s show on Friday would be her saddest day. This is the show in which Oprah would talk about the death of her beloved cocker spaniel, Sophie. While that will indeed be sad, today has surely got to be Oprah’s weirdest show – ever. In fact, it may be the weirdest show ever in the history of talk shows (and I am including Geraldo Rivera and Jerry Springer here!). Today’s show will deal with a man…who is pregnant. No, it is not some freak of nature occurrence and yes, he really is pregnant. Thomas Beatie, … Continue reading

Popular Soap Opera Gets First Ever Transgender Character

*** DISCLAIMER ALERT—If you are a fan of ABC’s “All My Children “ be warned this blog contains information about Thursday’s show. In what is being hailed as a “television first,” this week, ABC’s “All My Children” will introduce a transgender character to viewers and will wait to see if the switchboards light up. Series producers admit that the story line, which involves a transgender character making the transition from a man to a woman, is “an unusual story line even for a soap opera.” (I’m not sure I agree with that given that I was a die-hard “Days of … Continue reading