Diagnosing Cancer in Pets

I was chatting with an owner at the cats-only boarding facility about various health issues, and the topic of cancer came up. “How do you know if a cat has cancer?” he asked me. I was stumped for a moment, then managed to say that it was probably the same way we figure it out in humans. Biopsies and blood tests. Just to be sure, I did some research. Yeah, I’m the sort of person where if I don’t know the answer to a question, I’ll find it. Cancers that present as tumors on or near the surface of the … Continue reading

The Day a Lump Entered My Marriage – Part II

In Part I I told about the day I found a lump in my breast. Here’s what happened after: All Alone Nothing looked brighter the next morning. Wayne was a mess, and at first this freaked me out more. I needed him to pull it together. I needed him to be strong to carry me through. Or so I thought. When I called the doctor that morning, she got me right in. Wayne could not get off work to come with me so I had to go alone. The doctor also freaked at the size of the lump and scheduled … Continue reading

Cancer and Cell Phones

A recently published study from the Danish Cancer Society is ready to put to rest the fear that cell phones cause cancer. Since 1982, the Danish Cancer Society has been watching and testing cell phone users. In twenty-one years of study, there was no rise in cancer among cell phone users. More than four hundred and twenty thousand Danish cell phone users participated in the study. On average, the participants used a cell phone for eight and a half years; some of the participants had their phones for the duration of the study, which started in 1982 and ran through … Continue reading

Obesity & Breast Cancer

Research continues into the connection between obesity and breast cancer. Upper body and abdominal obesity are areas of the greatest concern. Statistics show that half of breast cancer cases have occurred in women who were obese. Studies also indicate that breast tumors that are cancerous are very difficult to locate in women that have an excess of 20% body fat. The link between the two conditions is entirely statistical and while scientists and research physicians are still trying to explore what links the two – the fact is they do seem to be linked. While I am not going to … Continue reading