Barbie Ban—Yea or Nay?

A West Virginia lawmaker recently introduced legislation calling for a ban on Barbie dolls in the Mountain State. The pretty, plastic blonde is an icon in the toy world, yet her legendary status hasn’t stopped Lincoln County Delegate, Jeff Eldridge from wanting her to disappear from his neck of the woods. If Eldridge gets his way Barbie will be banned from West Virginia store shelves. Oh, and Eldridge says parents will thank him for it. “I just hate the image that we give to our kids that if you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful and you don’t have to be smart and … Continue reading

Love-Hate Toys

If I had to make a list of the toys I have a love-hate relationship with, Wacky WallWalkers would be at the top… the very top. As a child I adored the sticky, octopus-shaped goopy blobs that would “crawl” down a wall after you threw them against it. As a parent… not so much. Whereas I appreciate the fact that the toy is one of few that can actually survive repeated torture by unruly kids, I’m not fond of the way its sticky exterior attracts hair, carpet fibers and the occasional Fruit Loop, like flypaper. If you have never hurled … Continue reading

How to Spend Less on Toys

Let us face it. Toys are expensive. And there always seems to be another new toy that you have to have. The new toys are then abandoned for newer toys, and your playroom fills up as your wallet drains. But you want your kids to have happy childhoods and to learn and develop. Toys can help with these desires. The trick then, is to be able to provide the fun and education without spending a fortune for toys. When your children start to outgrow their toys, see if you can use them in new ways. Honestly, your children may beat … Continue reading

How to Spend Less on Toys 2

Take a look around your home right now and see what toys you have. If you are a grandparent and don’t have any toys in your home, think about all of the toys you might have purchased for those special kids. Add the cost of them up in your mind. An estimation is fine. Are your surprised by how much you have spent? The cost of toys is usually more than we realize. But rather than deprive your children of a fun childhood filled with toys, why not employ some strategies that will help you extend the life of those … Continue reading

Fostering Pretend Play

Pretend play is very important for toddlers. As their language skills grow, they become more adapt at telling stories and pretend play. At this stage, having the opportunity for make believe will help them grow and develop to the best of their abilities. As they get a little older, toddlers can benefit from different “props” that help them explore jobs and activities that adults do. Copying the adults around them is a way for them to explore the world, gain confidence in themselves, develop more language skills and try new things in a safe environment. For pretend play, simple toys … Continue reading

Great Toys for Toddlers

Toddlers can be a difficult bunch to shop for when it comes to toys. Some of them still put a lot of things into their mouths, they are very mobile, they are past the baby stage, but still not ready for complicated toys, their attention spans can be short, and they have a tendency to fall down. Keeping all of these things in mind, here are some great toys for toddlers. Wagons and wheels Toys that have wheels are pretty good at keeping up with a toddler. Things they can push, things they can ride and things that zoom across … Continue reading

Activities for a Happy Baby: Your Face

As parents, we live for those moment when our babies are experiencing pure happiness. We look forward to those moments when there is no hungry cry or wet cry or fussy cry, but just that happy lopsided smile that tells you that everything is okay. One of the main things that makes your baby happy doesn’t cost a thing or require much effort. You carry it wherever you go, and you can’t easily lose it. It is your face. As humans, we are hardwired to recognize an appreciate faces. In fact, research shows that a good portion of a baby’s … Continue reading

The History of the Toys for Tots Program

You have probably seen advertisement in your local community for the Toys for Tots program. This is the program run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve that gives toys to needy children in the community. The program was started in 1947 by Major Bill Hendricks for the Los Angeles, California area. The first year, Major Hendricks collected 5,000 toys, with the first being a Raggedy Ann Doll made by Hendrick’s wife, Diane. Seeing there was a need for such a program, in 1948, it went national. The United States Marine Corps adopted the program as a project for its … Continue reading

Something for Parents of LEGO Lovers to Think About

Are your children into Lego? Are you constantly nagging them to pick up the tiny brick-like blocks from the floor before a younger sibling decides to make the colorful toys an afternoon snack? Now, let me ask you this: Are those Lego lovers of yours boys or girls? If they are girls, then what sets do they play with? Are your daughters crafting houses and castles from the popular Danish designed toys or are they more content building robots and fire engines? If it’s the latter, then you might want to contact Sweden’s Trade Ethical Council against Sexism in Advertising … Continue reading

Why I’m Shopping for More Pet Halloween Toys

I know in another blog I admitted that one way I could ease my worries about the economy and its affect on my pocketbook would be to cut out buying toys for my pets. But I had to make an exception for Halloween. See, a couple of weeks ago Murphy’s best friend Tucker came for a visit when his parents had to come through town on their annual trek to Indianapolis for the pet shoot they do up there every year. Since Murph’s down and out with his cast, he wasn’t able to play with Tucker. (Not because he didn’t … Continue reading