My Husband’s Fascination with Cheaters

When I say “cheaters” I’m referring to the TV show Cheaters, which is all about just what its names implies: people being unfaithful to girlfriends/boyfriends, fiancés, and spouses. Suspicious lovers come to the producers with theories their significant other is being unfaithful, investigators are hired, and the suspected cheater is followed and their actions are documented on film. If the target is caught doing anything (which is almost guaranteed; I have yet to see a show where anyone was innocent), the evidence is then presented to the suspicious lover. Then it’s confrontation time, with cameras still rolling. Wayne loves this … Continue reading

Straight Talk for Potential Two Timers

You know if this article is for you or not, and if it is, be prepared for straight talk. If you are looking for excuses or validation, you won’t get it from me. It wouldn’t be helpful or honest. In fact, it would be as unfair to you as it would be to your family. Straight talk or tough love is more beneficial because it is honest even if unpopular, and I’m known for being pretty straightforward. So, let’s get down to it. If you cheat on your husband or wife, or are simply thinking about doing so, you won’t … Continue reading

Is Cybersex Cheating?

My first encounter with cybersex is still something I find myself laughing about. For many people, being online takes away the fear and apprehension that people feel when speaking to someone face to face. They can be cooler or hotter, better looking or nicer. I’m not a huge fan of it and the naughty provocative bit wore off after realizing there are only so many euphemisms that one can use for the words male and female private parts. Even typing those terms here seems almost too clinical a way to refer to the act of verbally seducing another person through … Continue reading

What does Unfaithful Mean?

Many marriages are damaged after one or both spouses are unfaithful. Rebuilding trust can be difficult if not impossible. If there are children in the marriage, being unfaithful to your spouse doesn’t mean just cheating on your husband or wife, it means cheating on your entire family, because everyone is affected. We all understand what cheating means, but are there other ways of being unfaithful? We’ve discussed emotional affairs, where one spouse seeks emotional support or companionship outside the marriage. “He was so easy to talk to,” or, “She always listened and never criticized my ideas,” say a lot about … Continue reading

Coping with an Unfaithful Spouse

This is a difficult topic at the best of times. While the soap opera genre makes its bones on selling infidelity and dishonesty. No one likes to think it could happen to them. No one wants to imagine the scenario where it could or it did happen. More than one divorce can cite infidelity as the crisis point that the relationship never recovered from. Yet, a marriage may survive infidelity and a spouse may be able to cope when they have learned that their spouse was unfaithful. The very thought that your spouse has been unfaithful is enough to leave … Continue reading

Ten Signs that Your Spouse may be Cheating

So you think your spouse might be cheating on you? The very fact that you are suspicious is a good indication that something sinister may be going on. That’s because we all have intuition. Whether you call it a “sixth sense,” “warning bells,” or “red flags,” trust that inner voice. Unless you are generally a suspicious person and have a history of being overly possessive and accusing, your fears are probably justified. I have personal experience with this, which explains this guest-blog. The multiple infidelities in my first marriage turned me into a housewife-by-day, detective-by-night. I got really good at … Continue reading