The Best Time for a Multivitamin

Does it matter when you take your daily multivitamin? Yes, it does. Experts suggest taking a daily multivitamin in the morning: it gives your body vitamins and minerals it needs to get through the day. One word of warning, though — take your multivitamin with a meal. Certain vitamins (like vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E) need fat and/or other nutrients in order to be fully broken down and absorbed. Taking your multivitamin with a meal also reduces your chances of feeling nauseous afterwards, or experiencing heartburn. Make sure you take your multivitamin after a balanced breakfast that includes … Continue reading

Do You Need a Multivitamin?

This week I threw out my multivitamin. It was partly due to the recent news of contaminants found in some vitamins. It was partly because if I don’t take them at the same time I eat a large meal they make me sick. It was also partly because I’ve been using them as a crutch. Let’s face it, it’s a lot easier to think “did I take my multivitamin today” than “did I have enough servings of leafy greens today”. You just swallow that little vitamin pill and call it nutritional eating for the day. Sadly, there really is no … Continue reading


This is a fantastic product! I tried it on a whim after seeing it available at my local Wal Mart. My husband and I tried a powdered multi-vitamin once that was terrific but it cost about a dollar a serving which just didn’t make good financial sense to us. Emergen-C, on the other hand, makes great financial sense at about 25 cents a serving! The one thing many people who are trying to lose weight lack is energy. I couldn’t believe the amount of energy packed into one little serving of the Super Orange Energy Booster! It not only has … Continue reading