More Than Just a Dance

Yesterday in Your First Dance & YouTube I expressed my surprise at the idea of making a spectacle of yourself at your wedding by spending so much money and time to perform a first dance that is reminiscent of the Thriller video and more. I mentioned to my husband when he got home from work and let me tell you what I love about my husband, I can tell him something like this with my skeptical face on and he can turn it around for me. What a Great Way to Work Together My thought when I first heard this … Continue reading

Your First Dance & YouTube

Have you ever visited YouTube? It’s all the rage now from music videos for your favorite soap opera characters to personal video clips shared with the whole family and much, more. YouTube is also becoming the hot venue for couples looking to show off and get noticed with their first dance. Among some of the dances I’ve seen couples do on YouTube includes a bride, groom and their wedding party delivering a great rendition of Michael Jackson’s Thriller. Can You Imagine Creating a Spectacle? It’s hard for me to imagine dancing our first dance to something that’s designed to make … Continue reading