The Weight Loss Buddy System

Do you have a weight loss buddy?  Having a buddy had many advantages but it also has its disadvantages, so make sure you pick the right buddy. How Having a Buddy Helps  Keeps you motivated.  When you want to lie in bed instead of getting up for that morning run your buddy will be there to kick you out of bed. Gives you someone to lean on when you feel the temptation for that piece of cheesecake is too strong to resist. Face it, treadmills are boring.   Having a buddy will give  you someone to talk to. Losing weight is tough.  Borrow … Continue reading

Stop Exercising to Lose Weight

I have mentioned this before, probably a few times, so forgive me for beating a dead horse, but I remember my husband once telling me that weight loss was not a good goal.  I thought he was crazy.  I mean what goal could be loftier than fitting into my little black dress?  I rebuffed his crazy comments and went on dancing to the oldies in the living room.  You know what?  I never lost an ounce.  I gave up.  I grew sick of the disappointment of dieting all week, exercising and seeing little results and still too much peeking out of my … Continue reading

My Insurer Mentioned a Weight Loss App

Does your health insurance company send you helpful little newsletters? Mine does. This time, the newsletter included information about a weight loss app. Health insurance companies have an intrinsic interest in helping their customers be as healthy as possible. My health insurance company sends me newsletters from time to time. The purpose of the newsletters is so the insurer can send customers information and advice that they can use to improve their health and to stay healthy. Insurance companies have an intrinsic interest in helping their customers to have good health. People who are healthy don’t need to visit a … Continue reading

What is the Body-for-Life Challenge?

The Body-for-Life Challenge is about personal transformation. It isn’t a contest built around competition with others. It is a contest where you compete against yourself. Who are you today? What do you weigh? How is your overall health? Are you carrying too much bodyfat? Are you happy? These are all questions you should ask yourself before accepting the challenge. Why? Because the people who have completed the 12-week challenge have emerged changed people. They are healthier, happier and more energetic than they have ever been before. The real challenge is in challenging yourself to be the best YOU you can … Continue reading