Adding to Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is important even if you aren’t selling your home. It’s still the first impression people receive when they arrive. You want the yard and exterior to be inviting, either so guests will relax outdoors or feel welcome to come in. Here are some simple curb appeal solutions: Great Outdoor Seating Get rid of those old, webbed lawn chairs that you’ve had since you moved in or at the very least, save them for the beach. Pick up a couple of news chairs and a small table and put together a cozy little seating area. If you need to … Continue reading

New Snow Removal Innovations

As I mentioned in my previous blog in a few hours the remnants of our last snowfall should be history. Hooray! Don’t get me wrong I love the look of a fresh blanket of snow. It’s gorgeous—–for the first few minutes. I agree nothing is more beautiful the way the full moon glistens off a lawn of new fallen snow—in a photograph. And, yes, you just can’t beat 12-inches of perfect snowball packing snow—if you’re a kid and you’re getting a snow-day. However, if you’re a homeowner, nothing spells hours of backbreaking work more clearly than a few inches of … Continue reading

Yard and Garden: Family Yard Day

Okay, school will be out soon and it will be the perfect time to plan a family yard day. We do this every year. We have a very large yard (about an acre) and it is difficult to maintain over the winter. Due to generally mild winters, we have a rainy season instead of getting much snow, and the ground quickly becomes saturated and tends to stay that way. This keeps us from performing maintenance as often as we’d like to, and leads to a lot of work come spring. We also usually have a certain amount of storm damage … Continue reading