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Take a Deep Breath

I have a confession to make. I give great advice, but I haven’t been following it lately. I’ve been letting the stress of life get to me. So much so that I had a major melt down last night which in turn led my body to tell me to quit it. How does my body tell me this you ask? I woke up with a cold sore. I had never had one of these until I met my ex-husband, one of the many negative things he passed along. But now, whenever I let the emotional stress consume me I inevitably wake up with a nasty sore on my lip for the world to see; a manifestation that I need to slow down and start following my own advice every once in a while.

After taking an insane amount of cold sore remedies I sat down on the couch and started to re-evaluate my life. True, being divorced does provide a certain amount of stress in my life, but overall I’ve got things pretty good. I get to live with my mother, who also happens to be my best friend. I have a father who will drop everything to give me a blessing of comfort. I have a couple of amazing friends who constantly are telling me how wonderful I am, even if they are a little biased. There is finally a light at the end of the tunnel with school, and best of all I have a little boy who adores me and wants to play with me at all hours of the day and night.

I have so much to be thankful for, yet when something happens with my ex I let it consume me to the point of getting physically ill. This has got to stop. I’m done getting cold sores because of him. I’m done letting him control my life. He’s done it for far too long and it is time to take the control back. What he has or doesn’t have in his life does not affect my happiness. I am living my life in a way that I can be proud of and I am doing exactly what I know I should be doing. I am moving forward and reaching my goals. I’m ready to say goodbye to these cold sores once and for all!