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There’s No Such Thing As Doing It All Alone

It is absolutely normal to feel isolated and “all alone” when it comes to our roles as single parents. After all, we don’t have a partner or spouse in the home to help us feel supported or as if we are part of a team. And, for those of us who do not have family near by or a “village” of eager and ready supporters, we may have a tendency to really feel like we are all alone as we work at being a good parent and provider, and raising our child or children. But, that isolationist thinking can actually make our job harder. We really are not doing things all alone and help and support may be all around us if we are just able to look…

Help doesn’t always come into my world in the exact way I would like. If I had my way, there would be someone to do the dishes and cook meals and buy groceries. That would be really helpful! But, there are fairly regular “gifts” that come my way that I sometimes take for granted–my ex in-laws will take my kids out for dinner or shopping at the mall, my kids’ dad will give them lunch money or buy a pair of new shoes, a friend will ask me about my kids and actually listen while I talk about them. These may seem like tiny things compared to having someone buy me a house or a new car or having a live-in “Alice” to look after the house and the kids. But, they are ways that our lives are enriched and every little bit does help.

Sometimes, I let myself get pretty down-trodden with the reality that I get all the unglamorous stuff. I’m the one paying the medical bills and for lost text books and making sure everyone has plenty of socks and underwear. I’m the “every-day” cook, not the one who can afford the dinners out on a regular basis. But, if it wasn’t for all those extra little “helpers” our life could get pretty dull and my kids wouldn’t experience feeling so connected and supported by others too. The truth is, even when we think we are doing it all alone as a single parent, there are all sorts of little wonderful ways our family is being loved and supported along the way.

Also: Ask For Help When You Need It

Practical Ways to Help a Single Parent Family

Tips For Reaching Out for Help