Energy Density Approach to Eating

This, in my opinion, is an excellent way to focus your weekly eating plans. Rather than getting you to eat less, the focus of energy density eating is to get you to eat more foods that have fewer calories but that fill you up. (And you all should know by now, that I’m always in favor of eating more!) The focus of the energy density approach to eating is all about feeling full. In essence, it’s how much food you eat. . .not how many carbs, how many calories or how much protein you eat. . .that makes you feel … Continue reading

The Problem with Kimkins

If you’ve been reading my weight loss blogs, many of you know that I am generally against diets that exclude complete food groups and I’m against diets that are radical. Kimkins does both. There are several concerns about the Kimkins diet and I’m not an expert. I also feel like I should tell you that I do not have personal experience with Kimkins. I’m writing this article based on research that I’ve done. I am not saying that you would not lose weight with the Kimkins diet. However, there are many diets that you can lose weight on–that doesn’t mean … Continue reading

Weight Loss Week in Review July 24 to August 4

We are continuing with the Mission Possible series, and we are growing. More and more people are losing weight every day by eating less, moving more and hopefully having some fun! This week too, I’ve done a little research on exercise science and shared some new information on how to work out smarter. If you have catching up to do, start here first. July 25 Mission Possible: A Reason for Hope This is the post where I share that I lost my first pound following a very simple plan of doing more exercise and eating less junk. If I can … Continue reading