Summer Shooting in the Great Outdoors

Summer weather is finally here; time to celebrate with outdoor family adventures. Whether it’s a trip to the beach, a picnic at the park or a backyard barbeque with family and friends, there’s no time like the present to get your camera out of hibernation and start shooting a slew of summer memories. However, before you take aim in the great outdoors, there are a few tips to remember so that your photos don’t come back underexposed, overexposed or blurry. For starters, most digital point-and-shoot cameras have a preset white balance setting. If you are shooting on a cloudy day, … Continue reading

Perfecting Summer Shots

What’s your idea of the perfect summer shot? Is it a photo of your children frolicking in the whitewash during your annual trip to the shore? Maybe it’s a picture of your pup cooling off in the sprinkler. Or, perhaps, your ideal image is capturing a brilliant sunset as it dips below the horizon. For me, it’s any shot of my daughter chowing down on summer picnic food, from red, ripe watermelon to juicy mangos, a dripping ice cream cone or a super-sized hot dog. However, I’ve learned from experience that whether she is licking a Popsicle or inhaling a … Continue reading

Summer Photo Jobs

Many people think that summer is traditionally a slow time for photo studios. However, this is not the case. In fact, many professional studios see summer as a huge money maker, especially with the surge in senior photos, family reunions and other seasonal events to document. If you are an avid shutterbug looking for summer employment, check out chain photo studios for opportunities. Sears, Kmart and the Picture People accept applications year-round for staff photographers. If you land a summer gig at one of these chain studios, you can earn a decent paycheck taking portraits while adding fresh images to … Continue reading

Making the Most of an Internship

Securing a summer internship in the world of professional photography is only part of the battle. Making the most of your opportunity by turning it into a stepping stone for future employment should be your ultimate goal. Even if you are planning to go back to school as soon as your internship is over, you can still put your new skills to use by working the freelance market. Any new skills gained through a summer internship should be used to spice up your portfolio. A portfolio is a compilation of your best work, which you show to prospective clients. If … Continue reading

Money Shots

Do you ever browse through magazines, books or websites and think, “I could have snapped those pictures!” and actually have the chops to back up your claim? If so, then you might very well be successful at turning your passion for picture-taking into profit. The key is landing a break that allows you to earn cash for your frame worthy shots. So how can you profit from money shots? Some of the most popular places where photographers earn cash for their talent are Internet-based macrostock and microstock agencies. The former typically works exclusively with established professional photographers. If you are … Continue reading

Encouraging Budding Shutterbugs

In addition to soccer camp, t-ball and swimming, this summer my 7-year-old will be enrolled in a photo workshop for kids. The opportunity presented itself last month and I jumped at the chance to sign-up. Fortunately, my daughter is as excited about the workshop as I am. She loves to take pictures and having someone other than mom giving her instructions on how to snap frame worthy shots is a golden moment in my book. This is not to say that parents make bad teachers. Rather, in many cases, having an expert in the field of photography work with a … Continue reading

Gaining Experience

Summer is prime time for burgeoning professional shutterbugs to snag photo internships. Many newspapers, magazines, and television stations offer unpaid internships to students looking to forge a career in photography. As a teen, I spent three consecutive summers shooting video for a local TV station in order to gain professional experience. Back then, the Internet was practically nonexistent; rather, I was forced to rely on word of mouth and recommendations from teachers in order to snag my gig. Today, students can visit the National Press Photographers Association’s website which maintains a list of internship opportunities in the United States. Another … Continue reading

Alluring Camera Features

Point-and-shoot cameras have come a long way since the days of the Kodak Instamatic. These days you can program high-tech digital cameras to take photos for you while you simultaneously juggle bowling balls and sip tropical libations on the beach. There is virtually no end to the amount of fab features included on some cutting-edge cameras. One of the latest and greatest trends in camera features is the high-resolution touch screen. Located on the back of the camera, the flat screen allows you to simply tap an icon with your fingertip to change settings. This means no more fiddling with … Continue reading

Protecting Your Camera at the Beach

Growing up in Hawaii, it was no big deal to see people storing their cameras in coolers at the beach. In fact, I did it for years. I’d simply deposit my camera into its case, place it in a Ziploc bag and tuck it into a cooler somewhere near the soft burger buns and away from hard soda cans. Frankly, I thought it was one of the most ingenious ideas around. After all, it’s never a good idea to expose a camera to excessive heat and humidity for long periods of time. Likewise, a cooler can also protect your camera … Continue reading

Snapping Beach Keepers

The long Memorial Day weekend is set to kick-off in just a few days. Traditionally, the holiday marks the unofficial start to summer. For many families that means picnics, backyard barbeques, and trips to the beach. If you are planning to document your family’s fun in the sun, consider these simple tips to keep your camera safe and your photos hot, hot, hot: Gear: Personally, I don’t bring a bunch of fancy camera gear with me to the beach. After all, you don’t want to expose your equipment to the hot sun for long periods of time. What’s more, if … Continue reading