More Wedding Stats

My interest lately has been turned into looking closely at the truth about weddings and engagements. My first article in this series addressed some statistics about couple who are engaged. My second article began looking into the actual wedding planning and ceremony. However that article only began to touch what I have discovered about weddings and marriage. Therefore more discussion will be needed. Earlier I mentioned that the most common month for getting married is June. I also mentioned that the largest percentage of weddings are held in some form of church. I also discovered that over half of weddings … Continue reading

Wedding Stats

In my last article I mentioned how I had done some research on weddings and engagements. The article gave some engagement stat highlights. The spotlight will now turn more on weddings themselves. As many assume, June is the most popular choice of months for weddings. This was common knowledge with most people. However did you know, the follow up months are August, September, October, and then May? I found it odd that July was skipped in the mist. I wonder if it has anything to do with the hot weather? Each year American weddings total over 2.4 million ceremonies. With … Continue reading

Engagement Stats

I have addressed weddings in many of my previous articles. I have discussed anything from music to flowers to location. This article will take a little different twist. Here I have dug up a little research and discovered some very surprising, and not so surprising, wedding statistics. I think that you will enjoy them as much as I have. I will begin with the “before” stage. The engagement. When you first begin planning your marriage and your wedding. It has been found that American couples typically stay engaged for about sixteen months before getting married. During this period you begin … Continue reading

Rules of Engagement –Stephanie Fowers

Welcome to the world of a Brigham Young University co-ed, where the emphasis is supposed to be on education, but is actually on the cute guys in the next dorm. In an atmosphere where dating is the thing to do, it’s hard when all your friends are in serious relationships and you’re, well, not. Samantha Skyler is twenty-five years old, practically an old maid by BYU standards. Her former relationship just didn’t work out, and now she’s looking for the perfect guy. The problem is, how to find him and how to hook him. Her roommates find themselves in similar … Continue reading

Choosing a Wedding Date

What made you choose your wedding date? Did that date have special meaning for you or was it a case of what was available? Does the date matter? For us, it was a date already meaningful. It was a date I already had inscribed on one ring -the friendship ring Mick gave me. Exactly two years to the date and as close as we could get it to the hour and minute that Mick put my engraved friendship ring on my right hand, he was putting my wedding ring on the left ring finger of my left hand. It was … Continue reading

No Wedding in Sight?

The season of weddings is well upon us. As a previous article on wedding stats revealed, summer months rank very high in wedding ceremonies. When friends, relatives, and others begin planning and talking of weddings, those who are not married may begin to also dream of their own plans. In life we seem to live in stages or steps. As we grow older there are natural life occurrences that we feel should be taking place. For example some are moving out of our parents’ home, choosing a career, getting a job, and yes marriage and children. Relationships also move in … Continue reading

Wedding Cancellations and Break-ups

Not all marriages are meant to be. Those that discover this before marriage are the lucky ones. While it may seem devastating and even embarrassing at the time, there are reasons that couples should be thankful for engagement break-ups and wedding cancellations. In one of the forum threads a lady comments that her son recently broke off his engagement. She questions how she should handle the situation. Engagement break-ups can be tricky. There are many factors to consider when determining what the next step should be. If a wedding is not underway, then the break-up can be fairly simple. The … Continue reading

Marriage Week in Review: March 17- March 23

I have been writing sole this week. Like me, many of you have missed hearing from Courtney. Hopefully she will be back writing for you within the next couple of weeks. Monday, March 17 Renewing Your Wedding Vows This article discusses how many couples choose to renew their vows as an anniversary gift to each other. The Fears that Society Gives Us Here I discuss how the pressures and wicked ways of the world can make us doubt our own relationships. Tuesday, March 18 Put Trust in Your Mate This article was a continuation of the previous. It discusses that … Continue reading