More Ways to Save on Travel

The Internet is home to a myriad of travel aggregator sites, which allow you to comparison shop and hopefully walk away with a decent price on airfare, car rentals or accommodations. However, there is a lot more to finding the best price available than following the prompts on one of these mass-marketed sites. If you really want to save a bundle on travel expenses, you should follow the advice of people in the know. Travel experts often share valuable money-saving tips in an effort to help fellow vacationers stretch their dollars. Some of the best travel-related tips I’ve received and … Continue reading

10 Ways to Save on Your Next Trip to Hawaii

Last year, my then six-old daughter celebrated her 12th visit to Hawaii. However, to her, the Aloha State is more than just a top tourist destination, it’s also home to grandma, grandpa, and a huge network of aunts, uncles and cousins. I kid that she would have been marking trip number 20 if it weren’t so dang expensive to fly from Wisconsin to Hilo. Fortunately, once we land in the “Land of Aloha” we score free room and board. Bottom line: traveling to Hawaii is not cheap. However, there are ways you can save on your next vacation there provided … Continue reading

Grocery and Gas Station Discount Promotions

When the Tom Thumb supermarket moved in roughly 14 miles away, I wasn’t excited about the attached gas station. It was one of the more expensive stations in the area. The three cents per gallon discount I would get just for using my Tom Thumb rewards card wasn’t worth it. I could get cheaper gas on my way to somewhere else. I don’t remember when Tom Thumb decided to change its price structure, but the gas was more affordable. A three cent a gallon discount after shopping for groceries was a nice perk. I could save three cents a gallon … Continue reading

Ways to Save on a Six Flags Staycation

It’s never a good day when travelers are actually excited to see gas prices hovering near $4. Three dollars and 89 cents for a gallon of unleaded–SCORE!! While the cost of gas has fallen slightly in the last couple weeks, from its highest levels since July 2008, Americans are still paying nearly a dollar more per gallon than a year ago. As a result, families from coast-to-coast continue to restructure their summer vacation plans in order to preserve their household budgets, and still have fun in the sun. That goes double for clans living in and around Chicago. According to … Continue reading

How to Save Money on Gas in 2011

Do you remember how we all complained when gas prices hit $3 a gallon? Well that just seems like the good old days now, doesn’t it? With gas prices reaching and exceeding $4 a gallon, it is taking the equivalent of some people’s monthly rent just to pay for gas. What can you do? Drive less, yes, but that isn’t going to solve the problem for a lot of us who have to drive to work in order to pay for all of that gas. And with summer approaching, it is hard to tell the kids that they will have … Continue reading

Even More Ways to Save on Seasonal Airfare

It’s a Christmas miracle… or maybe a prodigy… either way, thanks to a select number of commercial airlines, you may be able to fly to your favorite holiday destination without going into debt. A few days ago Southwest Airlines announced a seasonal fare sale in an effort to fill seats in the days following Christmas week. JetBlue then jumped on the sale bandwagon by offering deals on expanded service between Southern California and Las Vegas. Southwest is selling some seats for as low as $59 on one-way for trips between January 4 and March 9, 2011. The sale runs through … Continue reading

Before You Leave for Summer Vacation

Summer is finally here, and it is time to start taking those family vacations. Before you leave on vacation, there are a few things that you should do around your home to make sure that you will have a pleasant return when your vacation is over. To keep your home and your things safe while you are gone, lock all of the windows and doors but leave some shades and curtains open. Get and set some automatic timers for lights in your house. The best ones are those that can be set to turn on and off at different times … Continue reading

How to Pick the Best Yard Sales

With gas prices these days, it doesn’t pay to drive around for yard sales where there are no great bargains to be had. You can actually wind up losing money that way. If you are going to hit the yard sales, you’ll want to target the best ones and avoid the duds. While sometimes there are unexpected surprises when it comes to yard sales, you can usually rely on a few guidelines to locate the best ones. Know the Keywords When you are scanning an ad or a sign for a yard sale, take a look at the words that … Continue reading

Ways to Make Teenage Driving Less Expensive

Parents who have teenagers frequently find themselves in confrontations with what was once a pleasant, agreeable, happy, child. Things can get heated when a teenager is pushing to be allowed to drive, especially if a parent cannot afford to add that teenager to his or her existing auto insurance policy. Fortunately, there are some things that you can try that may make this situation less painful for your pocketbook. No matter what you are currently paying for your premiums on your car insurance policy, you probably think that it’s expensive. Adding someone new to that policy can make the cost … Continue reading

Groupon is an Addictive Way to Get Great Deals

There is something satisfying about getting a product or service for less money than it would usually cost. It makes you feel like you got away with something. It feels as though you got special treatment that other people, who are not as special as you, are unable to access. Using coupons that give you awesome deals can be exciting, or even addicting. If you are a self-described “deals addict”, you are going to love the wonderfully addictive website called Groupon. Groupon gives you deals and coupons that can be used at stores and restaurants that are local to where … Continue reading