Protecting Your Camera at the Beach

Growing up in Hawaii, it was no big deal to see people storing their cameras in coolers at the beach. In fact, I did it for years. I’d simply deposit my camera into its case, place it in a Ziploc bag and tuck it into a cooler somewhere near the soft burger buns and away from hard soda cans. Frankly, I thought it was one of the most ingenious ideas around. After all, it’s never a good idea to expose a camera to excessive heat and humidity for long periods of time. Likewise, a cooler can also protect your camera … Continue reading

Working with Models

If your goal is to one day make a career from your passion for taking pictures, then at some point you will have to learn the fine art of working with models. Whether the model has two legs or four, is chiseled like a Greek sculpture or just competed in a Sumo wrestling match, you will need to be prepared to shoot your subject in the best light possible. This is especially true if you are trying to make a name for yourself in the field of fine art photography. Pictures in this genre typically serve as inspiration for celebrations … Continue reading

The Challenges of Freelance Photography

Once upon a time I seriously considered making freelance photography my primary career. Then, reality set in. Whereas I didn’t mind hustling for jobs and honing my skills, the challenges involved with pricing photos did me in. Figuring out a way to fairly price pictures is one of the most daunting tasks amateur photographers face when trying to turn their passions into profit. Prior to the explosion of digital photography pricing photos was much easier. Back in the “good ol’ days” freelancers could simply refer to a standard pricing chart in order to come up with a quote. After digital … Continue reading

Snapping the Fish

Now that my daughter is more fish than kid, I’m thinking of investing in a camera that will allow me to snap shots underwater. Since neither of my parents swim there is little chance that they will ever get to see their one and only granddaughter navigate below the surface of the water. By purchasing a waterproof camera I can document life under the sea, so they can see the fun my daughter has flipping and twirling in the deep. Waterproof cameras come in a variety of shapes, sizes and price points. If you are planning to take just a … Continue reading

Sandy Snaps

Did you make it to the beach this holiday weekend? For many, the Memorial Day jaunt to soak up the sun, sand and surf was just a sneak peak of the summer fun that will unfold in the weeks to come. Hopefully, you were able to snap some super photos of your family frolicking on the beach. After all, there is nothing more disappointing than returning home with pictures of squinting kids, blurry backgrounds and washed out waves. If these are the types of images you documented on your digital camera during your weekend trip to the beach, then you … Continue reading

Encouraging Young Photographers

I try my best to foster my child’s love of photography. Given that my grandfather was a professional photographer, who helped cultivate my passion for picture-taking, I feel responsible for encouraging my daughter’s interest. You never know how much a simple tip or a few words of encouragement can mean to a budding shutterbug. You can help your child learn the basics of photography by purchasing easy-to-read books designed for young shooters. In addition, consider giving your child the opportunity to experiment with your photo equipment (supervised, of course). The two of you could team up and shoot together. Give … Continue reading

Last-Minute Tips for Taking Stellar Summer Shots

The long Labor Day weekend is right around the corner, which means you have a few more chances to practice snapping beach keepers. I have thousands of photos taken on the beaches of Hawaii, but not all of them are frame worthy. It actually took me a while to find which camera tips and tricks worked best for my particular shooting situation. Lighting and camera position are always concerns, but there are a number of other points to consider when taking photos at the beach, including: UV Filters: A decent UV filter can assist you during your beach photo sessions … Continue reading

Snapping Beach Keepers

If there is any area of photography that I have even a hint of expertise, it’s taking photos at the beach. I was born and raised in Hawaii, but that was long before the invention of digital photography. My fine-tuning of beach photography has evolved over the past five years. Since my daughter’s first trip to my hometown, I have fine tuned my shots to illustrate how much fun one little girl can have enjoying the sun, sand and surf. To capture frame worthy beach shots consider the following tips: Framing: Static shots of kids in the sand make for … Continue reading

Tips for Taking Super Summer Snapshots

With summer almost half way over many families are trying to squeeze in at least one more road trip before school starts. If you are getting ready to hit the highway for a fun-filled family vacation, then consider employing the following tips to ensure you capture stunning shots of your summer adventure: TELL A STORY Getting to your final destination is half the fun; so make sure you are documenting all the action from the moment you load into the family car. Tell a story with your shots by shooting chronologically. Capture the mood of the trip from start to … Continue reading

How to Make Your Fourth of July Fireworks Pictures Pop

Whether you are heading to Grant Park in Chicago for Macy’s Independence Eve Fireworks Spectacular (with accompaniment by the Grant Park Symphony Orchestra) or you are simply planning to host your own light show this weekend, you want to make sure that you have what it takes to capture the moment. Fourth of July fireworks shows can be a challenge to shoot depending on where you are seated and the type of camera you are using. The following are basic tips that will help you capture the explosions in the sky in the best possible light: TRIPOD AND FLASHLIGHT Bring … Continue reading