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Expect Complaints About Chores and Rules

I think the first reality parents should expect when it comes to setting boundaries and limits, and dishing out the chores is that you should NOT expect your kids to be happy about it. They will complain and balk and generally be disagreeable and you should expect it. That doesn’t mean you need to get all wrapped up in the drama of a push-pull, but you should expect that they are not going to like having rules, regulations, and chores!

My mother used to say “I’m not here to win a popularity contest!” and while I don’t say the same thing, I find myself saying “I don’t have to be your friend, I’m the parent.” I supposed both statements are saying the same thing—that our job as parents is to set limits, boundaries, rules, and consequences—regardless of whether they are met with popularity or appreciation by the minors.

Part of parenting is to develop a thick skin. Sure, some empathy and sensitivity is always a good thing but basically we need to have the strength and courage to do what is right for our children and our families—and that includes rules and regulations and chores and such—regardless of whether we are popular or not. They are SUPPOSED to squawk and complain, that is their job as kids. And we are supposed to march on with our parenting work regardless. So, if you are expecting your kids to roll out the welcome wagon and thank you for asking them to do the dishes, or take out the trash, or clean their rooms—I think that you might have an incredibly long wait. You can expect and insist upon some respect and some adherence to your requests, but I think it is asking and expecting a lot to think the kids are going to be happy about it…

Also: I Can Take a Little Criticism