How Many Times?

So I have a dilemma that I thought I would share. As I have shared previously when we were trying to get Rebecca’s biological mother to relinquish her parental rights so that we could adopt her we went to mediation. During the mediation we agreed to quarterly updates for all three kids as long as she kept her part of the agreement. She disappeared therefor it voided the mediation agreement. We tracked her down a while ago gave her another shot and she said she would like to get updates again. We agreed as long as she gave us something … Continue reading

India Adoption

I learned something the other day that I did not know. There are an overwhelming number of baby girls placed in orphanages in India. The situation is much like that of the baby girls in China little girls born in India are quite often given up for adoption and placed in orphanages. In India preference is given to India residence first then Non Resident Indian and then foreign citizens may adopt the child. When considering adoption from India married couples, single women are eligible to adopt and under special approval a single man. A single man is only able to … Continue reading

Wednesday’s Child

I was watching the news today and they had their Wednesday child special segment. Wednesday’s child is featuring kids that are in the foster care system that are waiting for a forever family. The two today were nine year old twins that had been in foster care for a while. They were sweet, intelligent and caring kids. When the little girl was asked what she wanted her answer was a family to love her. Now I am sucker for kids but they were so darn cute. They loved each other and the only family criteria she had is that she … Continue reading

A Kid Happy To Get Clothes

When I am remembering our first Christmas as a family one thing that Steve did sticks with me to this day, when he unwrapped his presents he put them to the side and did not think they were for him to play with. When Steve got some new clothes he was so excited he got up ran to the bathroom and tried each and every thing on. He was more excited about having new clothes that were his than he was about having new toys. When we watched this happened it occurred to us that he may not have ever … Continue reading

Our First Christmas

When I think back to this week I always refer back to the joy and happiness of my first Christmas as a Mom. I remember Steve who was 3 lying under the tree looking up at the lights. There was many nights that we would get up to check on the kids and the Christmas tree would be on and Steve was just curled up under it like our cat does. I know that he had a very hard young life and so we wanted this to be an absolutely amazing Christmas for him. I will admit we did go … Continue reading

Our Doorbell Rang

Before I left work that wonderful day I told my coworkers what was happening and that I did not have any baby items. One of my coworkers called his wife who called all her friends and they showed up that night with 8 huge bags of baby girl clothes, a Bebe’ Chic crib set, baby bottles, a bassinet, monitors, swings, infant car seat basically everything a new mom of a newborn would need. After the shock of everyone’s generosity we started going through bags washing and hanging things for our new daughter. At 9:00 the next morning the doorbell rang … Continue reading

9 Years Ago This Week

I am sitting here thinking back to 9 years ago this week when child protective services called and told us that the two brothers that we adopted in July 2002 now had a beautiful little girl and asked if we wanted her. Now we just got the boys 5 months before this call came. Ok so you don’t know me but if the biological mother of our sons had 10 kids we probably would have said yes. When the call came I was work when a case worker called and said the boys’ mother was in jail and she had … Continue reading

Older Child Adoption

Last week was National Adoption Day! National Adoption Day is a day to celebrate the adoption and finalization of children adopted from foster care. I mention this because I was watching a Wednesday Child story on the news and there was 2 beautiful sisters that were looking for a forever family. They are in separate foster homes because the state cannot find a home willing to take both a 10 year old and a 12 year old. The girls are smart, wanting to be together and want a forever family and the sad truth is that they will most likely … Continue reading

How To Tell Doctors

Another issue that a parent who adopts a child has is if they start with a new doctor. Today we took Steve to the orthodontist and one of the questions was about mouth injuries. It is very hard to have a conversation telling a doctor about any injuries or history that may be relevant when there are children present. When Steve was younger he did sustain a facial injury when his biological mother’s boyfriend punched him in the face. His adult teeth actually got damaged during that time even though he was only 2 when it happened it permanently damaged … Continue reading

Some Parts Of Our Kids Are On a Need To Know Basis

One part of adopting a child with a history of abuse and neglect is that there are times when you need to discuss it. My oldest son Steve was taken from his biological mother when she was arrested while using him to shop lift; he was only 2 when he was put in foster care. There are a few things that you need to know about Steve the first, he has epilepsy. His epilepsy is controlled in the aspect that you do not see him falling on the floor in a seizure but when they run his annual EEG they … Continue reading